Huge Supplements vs Crazy Bulk: Which Has Better Supplements?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated June 27, 2023

With supplements, Crazy Bulk and Huge Supplements are two brands that often come up.

But when it comes to quality, science-backed ingredients, and value for money, there's only one company that comes on top from this comparison.

Today, we're putting two popular brands, Crazy Bulk and Huge Supplements, under the microscope.

We'll examine their products, ingredients, and value for money to see which one comes out on top.

Crazy Bulk vs Huge Nutrition: Quick Overview

When it comes to choosing between Crazy Bulk and Huge Nutrition, the choice is clear. Huge Nutrition offers scientifically-backed, high-quality supplements with full dosages and patented ingredients. On the other hand, Crazy Bulk's products are filled with underdosed and ineffective ingredients, making them a poor choice for anyone serious about their fitness goals.

Crazy Bulk vs Huge Supplements: Key Points

  • Crazy Bulk markets its products as safe and legal alternatives to steroids, but their ingredients and dosages don't live up to the hype.
  • Huge Supplements takes a science-based approach, using patented ingredients at full dosages.
  • Compared to Crazy Bulk, Huge Supplements offers better value for money with more comprehensive benefits.
  • Crazy Bulk's products are overpriced and underdosed, while Huge Supplements provides transparent, effective formulations.

Overview of Crazy Bulk

Crazy Bulk is a company that markets itself as a provider of "legal steroid alternatives." They promise results similar to illegal steroids but without the side effects. However, a closer look at their products reveals a different story. Their supplements are filled with underdosed and ineffective ingredients, making their promises seem far-fetched. Their marketing tactics are also questionable, often misleading consumers about the potential results of their products.

Overview of Huge Nutrition

Huge Supplements is a fitness and bodybuilding supplement company that takes a more science-based approach.

They offer a range of products, each formulated with patented ingredients at full dosages.

Their focus is on transparency and effectiveness, providing comprehensive benefits to their customers. Compared to Crazy Bulk, Huge Supplements offers better value for money.

Comparison of Crazy Bulk and Huge Nutrition

When comparing Crazy Bulk and Huge Nutrition, the differences are stark.

Crazy Bulk's underdosed and ineffective formulas are a stark contrast to Huge Nutrition's scientifically-backed, high-quality supplements.

Huge Nutrition also offers better value for money, making them a more cost-effective choice.

Huge Supplements takes a more science-based approach.

They use patented ingredients at full dosages, providing a more comprehensive range of benefits.

In terms of value for money, Huge Supplements also comes out on top.

While Crazy Bulk's products are overpriced for what they offer, Huge Supplements provides more ingredients and higher dosages at a more reasonable price point.

Just look at Huge Nutritions Enhance on the left and Crazy Bulk on the right in the image below:

Crazy Bulk: More Hype Than Substance?

When it comes to the world of fitness and bodybuilding supplements, few names have garnered as much attention as Crazy Bulk.

But is all this attention justified? Let's take a closer look at their products, starting with Clenbutrol.

Clenbutrol: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?

Clenbutrol by Crazy Bulk is a supplement that borrows its name from Clenbuterol, a pharmaceutical drug.

However, the similarities end there.

The original Clenbuterol was an asthma medication, known for its ability to open up the bronchial airways. Over time, it gained popularity as a potent fat burner.

However, it's important to note that Clenbuterol is illegal in the U.S.

So, what does Crazy Bulk's Clenbutrol bring to the table?

Let's break down its ingredients.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) (18mg)

This vitamin is known to cause a flush and make you feel a bit warm. It's also said to help with detoxing. However, the effectiveness of this dosage is not clear, as studies have used a wide range of doses and the optimal dosage for detoxing is not yet known.

Garcinia (450mg)

Garcinia is often used as an appetite suppressor. While it doesn't directly contribute to weight loss, it can help control hunger during a cutting phase. However, the effectiveness of Garcinia as an appetite suppressor is not universally agreed upon in the scientific community.

Bitter Orange Extract (450mg)

This is a natural thermogenic that heats you up and makes you sweat, potentially aiding in calorie burn.

However, the safety and effectiveness of bitter orange extract for weight loss remain controversial.

Caffeine (145mg)

A well-known stimulant, caffeine gives you a boost of energy and can enhance your workout performance.

However, the dosage in Clenbutrol is relatively low compared to other pre-workout supplements.

After looking at the ingredients, it's clear that Crazy Bulk's Clenbutrol might be suitable for beginners.

However, it doesn't live up to the hype of real Clenbuterol.

The product seems to be overpriced for what it offers. If you're looking for alternatives, consider checking out the fat burner by Transparent Labs, or take a look at our list of the strongest pre-workouts:

In conclusion, Crazy Bulk's Clenbutrol might not be the best choice if you're looking for significant results. It's always important to do your research and choose supplements that offer transparency and value for money.

D-Bal: A Natural Alternative to Dianabol?

D-Bal is marketed as a natural alternative to Dianabol, an actual steroid. But does it live up to the hype? Let's break down its ingredients:

MSM (800mg)

MSM is a popular supplement used to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, particularly for those with arthritis or muscle pain. However, its role in muscle building is unclear.

Isoleucine (300mg)

Isoleucine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are often used to enhance muscle recovery and promote muscle growth. However, the dosage in D-Bal is relatively low compared to other BCAA supplements.

Suma Root Concentrated Extract (200mg)

Suma root, also known as Brazilian ginseng, is often used for its potential to enhance physical performance and reduce fatigue. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Ashwagandha (200mg)

Ashwagandha is a popular adaptogen known for its potential to reduce stress and anxiety. Some research also suggests it may enhance strength and muscle mass, but more studies are needed.

Tribulus (75mg)

Tribulus is often used in testosterone-boosting supplements, but research on its effectiveness is mixed. Some studies suggest it may enhance libido, but its effects on muscle growth are unclear.

Sodium Hyaluronate (30mg)

Sodium hyaluronate is often used for its potential to promote skin health and reduce joint pain. However, its role in a muscle-building supplement like D-Bal is unclear.

Looking at these ingredients, it's hard to see how D-Bal could deliver results comparable to Dianabol, the steroid it's supposed to mimic. The ingredients seem to be sprinkled in, and the product is priced at a hefty $64.

Trenorol: A Trenbolone Steroid Alternative for Muscle Gains?

Trenorol is marketed as a trenbolone steroid alternative for muscle gains. But can its ingredients deliver on this promise? Let's take a look:

Beta Sitosterol (600mg)

Beta sitosterol is a plant sterol often used to improve urinary symptoms related to an enlarged prostate. However, its role in muscle building is unclear.

Samento Inner Bark (300mg)

Samento inner bark, also known as cat's claw, is often used for its potential to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. However, its role in a muscle-building supplement like Trenorol is unclear.

Nettle Leaf Extract (300mg)

Nettle leaf extract is often used for its potential to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Some believe it may also enhance testosterone levels, but more research is needed.

Pepsin (75mg)

Pepsin is an enzyme that helps break down proteins in the stomach, aiding in digestion. However, its role in a muscle-building supplement like Trenorol is unclear.

Looking at these ingredients, it's hard to see how Trenorol could deliver results comparable to Trenbolone, the steroid it's supposed to mimic.

In conclusion, Crazy Bulk's products seem to be more hype than substance. They use general ingredients that could be contaminated or useless, and their products are overpriced for what they offer.

Other Crazy Bulk Supplements:

  1. Anvarol (Explosive Power and Pure Lean Muscle)
  2. Winsol (Incredible Performance and Rock Hard Muscles)
  3. Testo-Max (Pure Power and Monster Muscle Gains)
  4. Anadrole (Massive Gains and Muscle Strength)
  5. Decaduro (Mega Strength Endurance and Muscle Gains)
  6. Trenorol (Massive Gains and Muscle Strength)
  7. Gynectrol (Obliterate Your Man Breasts)

Huge Supplements: A More Science-Based Approach?

Huge Supplements seems to take a more science-based approach to their products, using patented ingredients with full dosages. Let's take a closer look at a couple of their offerings.

Enhance Testosterone Booster

Enhance is a testosterone booster that includes a variety of ingredients aimed at boosting testosterone levels and overall health. Here's a breakdown of its main ingredients:

Mucuna Pruriens (200mg):

Mucuna Pruriens is a tropical legume that's been used in traditional medicine for its potential to boost mood and enhance sexual health. Some research also suggests it may increase testosterone levels in men.

Boron Citrate (200mg):

Boron is a mineral that's been shown to increase the body's ability to produce and use testosterone, potentially enhancing muscle growth and strength.

Safed Musli 50% Saponins (500mg):

Safed Musli is a medicinal plant often used in traditional medicine for its potential to enhance sexual performance and improve overall health. Some research suggests it may also boost testosterone levels.

LongJack Extract (500mg):

LongJack, also known as Tongkat Ali, is a herbal supplement often used for its potential to increase testosterone levels and enhance sexual health.

KSM-66 Ashwagandha (600mg):

KSM-66 is a patented form of Ashwagandha, an adaptogen known for its potential to reduce stress and anxiety. Some research also suggests it may enhance strength and muscle mass.

Korean Mistletoe (1g):

Korean Mistletoe is a plant often used in traditional medicine for its potential to boost immune health and improve overall well-being.

In addition to these ingredients, Enhance also includes a variety of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Boron Citrate, all of which are known to support overall health and testosterone production.

Sapogenix by Huge Nutrition

Sapogenix uses a potent blend of plant-based steroids with Laxogenin to help enhance muscle growth.

  • Highly anabolic formula
  • Strongest forms of plant-based steroids
  • Contains high quality forms of laxogenin
Ingredients: ​​250mg Dioscorea Makino 50-67:1 Extract: 6-Keto-Diosgenin, Spirostanol Saponins, Furastanolic Saponins, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin Acetate, 5r-Spirost-4-Ene-3,6-Diol, Progenin III, Pesudoprotodioscin, Methyl Protodioscin, Dioscin, Protodisoscin, Iridoid Gylcosides
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Sapogenix is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of plant-based compounds, including Dioscorea Makino 50-67:1 Extract (standardized to 6-Keto-Diosgenin, Spirostanol Saponins, Furastanolic Saponins, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin Acetate, 5R-Spirost-4-Ene-3, 6-Diol), Progenin III, Psuedoprotodioscin, Methyl Protodioscin, Dioscin, Protodioscin, and Iridoid Glycosides.

These ingredients have been researched for their potential health benefits.

For example, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin is believed to support muscle growth and recovery, while saponins found in Dioscorea Makino have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Read our review on Sapogenix here


Ecdysterone, also known as beta-ecdysterone or 20-hydroxyecdysone, is a naturally occurring steroid hormone that's found in various plants and insects. It's often used in supplements due to its potential anabolic (muscle-building) effects.

Research on ecdysterone has shown promising results, particularly in the area of muscle development and athletic performance. It has been found to stimulate protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle growth.

Check out our review on Huge Supplements Ecdysterone here.

Wrecked by Huge Nutrition

Wrecked is a standout pre-workout featuring 8g of pure citrulline and over 30g of ingredients per serving.

  • Big doses of nitric oxide boosters
  • Long lasting pumps and energy
  • Enhances mood
Ingredients: 8g Citrulline, 4g Hydromax, 3.5g Beta Alanine, 3g Betaine Anhydrous, 3g Malic Acid, 1.5g Agmatine, 1.5g Tyrosine, 600mg Alpha GPC 50%, 600mg Lion's Mane, 196mg Himalayan Pink Salt, 75mg S7, 10mg Black Pepper Extract
Stimulants: 250mg Caffeine, 250mg Eria Jarensis, 150mg Theobromine, 100mg DiCaffeine Malate, 1mg Alpha Yohimbine
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Wrecked Pre-Workout

Wrecked is a pre-workout supplement from Huge Supplements that includes a variety of ingredients aimed at enhancing workout performance. Here's a breakdown of its main ingredients:

Citrulline (8g): Citrulline is an amino acid that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance blood flow to your muscles, improving workout performance and reducing muscle soreness.

Hydromax (4g): Hydromax is a patented form of glycerol that's used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to improve hydration and endurance during intense exercise.

Beta Alanine (3.5g): Beta Alanine is an amino acid that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to delay muscle fatigue, enhancing workout performance.

Betaine Anhydrous (3g): Betaine Anhydrous is a compound that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance muscle strength and power.

Malic Acid (3g): Malic Acid is often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance energy production and reduce muscle fatigue.

Agmatine (1.5g): Agmatine is a compound that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance muscle pumps and improve nutrient delivery to your muscles.

Tyrosine (1.5g): Tyrosine is an amino acid that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance focus and mental performance during workouts.

Alpha GPC 50% (600mg): Alpha GPC is a compound that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance cognitive function and increase strength output.

Lion's Mane (600mg): Lion's Mane is a type of mushroom that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance cognitive function and reduce inflammation.

Himalayan Pink Salt (196mg): Himalayan Pink Salt is often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to improve hydration and electrolyte balance.

S7 (75mg): S7 is a blend of seven plant-based ingredients that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to enhance nitric oxide production, improving blood flow to your muscles.

Black Pepper Extract (10mg): Black Pepper Extract is often used in supplements for its potential to enhance the absorption of other ingredients.

In terms of stimulants, Wrecked includes a blend of Caffeine (250mg), Eria Jarensis (250mg), Theobromine (150mg), DiCaffeine Malate (100mg), and Alpha Yohimbine (1mg) to enhance energy, focus, and workout performance.

Looking at these ingredients, it's clear that Wrecked is a comprehensive pre-workout supplement that covers all the bases - from enhancing workout performance and focus to improving hydration and nutrient delivery to your muscles.

Read more about Wrecked.

Other Huge Supplements:

  1. Wrecked Enraged
  2. Rebirth PCT
  3. Turkesterone
  4. Wrecked Pre-Workout
  5. Formula XII

Crazy Bulk vs Huge Supplements: A Clear Winner?

When comparing Crazy Bulk and Huge Supplements, it's clear that the two companies have different philosophies.

Crazy Bulk seems to focus more on marketing and hype, with products that don't quite live up to their promises.

On the other hand, Huge Supplements takes a more science-based approach, using patented ingredients with full dosages and providing a more comprehensive range of benefits.

In terms of value for money, Huge Supplements also comes out on top. While Crazy Bulk's products are overpriced for what they offer, Huge Supplements provides more ingredients and higher dosages at a more reasonable price point.

So, who's it for and who's it not for? Clearly, Crazy Bulk is not for anyone. It's a company that uses marketing and pays affiliates to promote their products for high commissions. On the other hand, Huge Supplements is a better choice for those who value transparency, science-based formulations, and value for money### Frequently Asked Questions


What is Crazy Bulk? Crazy Bulk is a supplement company that markets its products as legal and safe alternatives to steroids. However, their products don't seem to live up to the hype.

What is Huge Supplements? Huge Supplements is a fitness and bodybuilding supplement company that takes a more science-based approach to their products, using patented ingredients with full dosages.

Is Crazy Bulk a scam? While it wouldn't be accurate to label Crazy Bulk as a "scam," their products don't seem to deliver on their promises.

Are Huge Supplements products worth the money? Compared to Crazy Bulk, Huge Supplements provides more ingredients and higher dosages at a more reasonable price point, making them a better value for money.

Which company is better, Crazy Bulk or Huge Supplements? Based on the analysis of their products, Huge Supplements comes out on top for their science-based approach and better value for money.

Who should use Crazy Bulk products? Given the analysis of their products, it's hard to recommend Crazy Bulk to anyone due to their overpriced and underdosed products.

Who should use Huge Supplements products? Huge Supplements products are suitable for anyone looking to enhance their fitness and bodybuilding results, valuing transparency, science-based formulations, and value for money.

Do Crazy Bulk products live up to their claims? Based on the analysis of their ingredients and dosages, Crazy Bulk products don't seem to live up to their marketing claims.

Do Huge Supplements products live up to their claims? Huge Supplements takes a science-based approach to their formulations, using patented ingredients at full dosages, which makes their products more likely to deliver on their promises.

Are there any alternatives to Crazy Bulk and Huge Supplements? While there are many other supplement companies out there, it's important to choose one that values transparency, uses science-backed ingredients, and provides good value for money.

Bottom Line

When it comes to choosing a supplement company, Huge Supplements is the clear winner.

With their science-backed formulations, transparent ingredient lists, and better value for money, they outshine Crazy Bulk, a company that seems to rely more on marketing hype than on delivering effective, quality products.

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by Nader Qudimat

Forged by iron and cold steel, I'm Nader, a mid-30s natural bodybuilder. Once a 100lb skinny guy, I've transformed into a 200lb muscular athlete with over 15 years of lifting experience. Today, I leverage my transformation and extensive experience to guide countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

Click here to check out my 12 year transformation: Natural 12 Year Transformation

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