NooCube vs Alpha Brain: Which Is Better?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 20, 2023

In the world of nootropics, two products have managed to stand out: NooCube and Alpha Brain.

These brain-boosting supplements promise to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase focus.

But how do they stack up against each other?

In this article, we'll break down the ingredients of each product, compare their benefits, and help you decide which one might be the best nootropic.

NooCube At A Glance

NooCube is a nootropic supplement combining various potent ingredients to enhance brain function.

It's designed to improve memory, increase focus, and boost mental speed.

The key ingredients in NooCube include Brahmi herb, L-Tyrosine, Cat’s Claw bark, Oat straw, L-Theanine, Alpha GPC, Huperzine A, Lutemax 2020, Resveratrol, Vitamin B1, Pterostilbene, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin B12.

Alpha Brain At A Glance

Alpha Brain is another popular nootropic supplement that aims to boost cognitive function.

It's formulated to help improve memory, focus, and mental clarity.

The key ingredients in Alpha Brain include a 650mg blend of Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Oat Straw Extract, Phosphatidylserine, a 350mg of Cat's Claw, a 240mg blend of Alpha GPC, Bacopa, Huperzine, and a 60mg blend of Leucine, Pterostilbene.

Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:
  • Nice looking formula
  • Well rounded formula
  • Uses various ingredients but doesn't properly dose everything
650 Blend (Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Oat Straw Extract, Phosphatidylserine), 350mg Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa Bark Extract), 240mg Blend (Alpha GPC, 100mg Bacopa, 400mcg Huperzine), 60mg Blend (Leucine, Pterostilbene)
50 mg Brahmi herb, 250 mg L-tyrosine, 175 mg Cat's Claw bark, 150 mg Oat straw, 100 mg L-theanine, 50 mg Alpha GPC, 20 mg Huperzine A, 20 mg Lutemax 2020, 14.3 mg Resveratrol, 1.1 mg Vitamin B1, 140 mcg Pterostilbene, 50 mcg Vitamin B7, and 2.5 mcg Vitamin B12.
Primary Rating:
  • Nice looking formula
650 Blend (Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Oat Straw Extract, Phosphatidylserine), 350mg Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa Bark Extract), 240mg Blend (Alpha GPC, 100mg Bacopa, 400mcg Huperzine), 60mg Blend (Leucine, Pterostilbene)
Primary Rating:
  • Well rounded formula
  • Uses various ingredients but doesn't properly dose everything
50 mg Brahmi herb, 250 mg L-tyrosine, 175 mg Cat's Claw bark, 150 mg Oat straw, 100 mg L-theanine, 50 mg Alpha GPC, 20 mg Huperzine A, 20 mg Lutemax 2020, 14.3 mg Resveratrol, 1.1 mg Vitamin B1, 140 mcg Pterostilbene, 50 mcg Vitamin B7, and 2.5 mcg Vitamin B12.
10/17/2024 04:10 pm GMT

Ingredient Breakdown

Here are the ingredients for both supplements...

Brahmi Herb (NooCube: 250mg)

Brahmi herb, also known as Bacopa monnieri, is a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

It's known for its potential to enhance cognitive function and reduce anxiety.

Studies suggest that Brahmi herb can improve memory and attention span, making it a valuable ingredient in NooCube.

The recommended clinical dosage for Brahmi herb ranges from 300mg to 450mg daily, so the 250mg in NooCube is slightly below the lower end of the recommended range.

This study provides more information on the cognitive benefits of Brahmi herb.

L-Tyrosine (NooCube: 250mg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 650mg Blend)

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in producing neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which are essential for mental alertness and focus.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include L-Tyrosine in their formulas.

The clinical dosage of L-Tyrosine for cognitive benefits is typically around 150mg to 500mg daily, so the 250mg in NooCube falls within this range.

However, in Alpha Brain, L-Tyrosine is part of a 650mg blend, so it's unclear how much of the amino acid is present.

This research discusses the cognitive benefits of L-Tyrosine.

Cat’s Claw Bark (NooCube: 175mg, Alpha Brain: 350mg)

Cat’s Claw bark is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that can help protect the brain from damage.

It's included in NooCube and Alpha Brain, but at different dosages.

The clinical dosage for Cat's Claw bark is not well-established, but most supplements recommend a dosage of 20mg to 60mg per day.

NooCube and Alpha Brain exceed this recommendation, with Alpha Brain providing a significantly higher dosage.

This study provides more information on the antioxidant properties of Cat's Claw bark.

Oat Straw (NooCube: 150mg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 650mg Blend)

Oat straw, derived from green oats, is believed to reduce inflammation and improve brain function.

It's included in both NooCube and Alpha Brain.

The recommended dosage for oat straw extract is 800 to 1600mg daily, so the 150mg in NooCube is significantly below this range.

In Alpha Brain, oat straw is part of a 650mg blend, so the exact amount is unclear.

This research discusses the potential cognitive benefits of oat straw.

L-Theanine (NooCube: 100mg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 650mg Blend)

L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves that's known for its calming effects. It can help improve focus and reduce stress.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include L-Theanine in their formulas.

The recommended clinical dosage for L-Theanine ranges from 100mg to 200mg per day, so the 100mg in NooCube falls within this range.

However, in Alpha Brain, L-Theanine is part of a 650mg blend, so the exact amount is not clear.

This study provides more information on the cognitive benefits of L-Theanine.

Alpha GPC (NooCube: 50mg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 240mg Blend)

Alpha GPC is a compound that can increase the levels of acetylcholine in the brain, a neurotransmitter crucial for memory and learning functions.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include Alpha GPC in their formulas.

The recommended clinical dosage for Alpha GPC is 300mg to 600mg per day, so the 50mg in NooCube is significantly below this range.

In Alpha Brain, Alpha GPC is part of a 240mg blend, so the exact amount is not clear.

This research discusses the cognitive benefits of Alpha GPC.

Huperzine A (NooCube: 20mg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 400mcg Blend)

Huperzine A is a compound extracted from the herbs of the Huperziceae family.

It's known for its ability to enhance memory and cognitive function.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include Huperzine A in their formulas.

The recommended clinical dosage for Huperzine A is 50mcg to 200mcg per day, so the 20mg in NooCube is significantly above this range.

In Alpha Brain, Huperzine A is part of a 400mcg blend, so the exact amount is not clear.

This study provides more information on the cognitive benefits of Huperzine A.

Lutemax 2020 (NooCube: 20mg)

Lutemax 2020 is a patented ingredient that provides lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential carotenoids for eye health.

It's included in NooCube, but not in Alpha Brain.

The recommended clinical dosage for Lutemax 2020 is not well-established, but most supplements recommend a dosage of 10mg to 20mg per day, so the 20mg in NooCube falls within this range.

This research discusses the potential cognitive benefits of Lutemax 2020.

Resveratrol (NooCube: 14.3mg)

Resveratrol is a compound found in grapes and berries that's known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It's included in NooCube, but not in Alpha Brain.

The recommended clinical dosage for resveratrol is not well-established.

Still, most supplements recommend a dosage of 20mg to 500mg per day, so the 14.3mg in NooCube is slightly below the lower end of the recommended range.

This study provides more information on the potential cognitive benefits of resveratrol.

Vitamin B1 (NooCube: 1.1mg)

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the body's energy production.

It's included in NooCube, but not in Alpha Brain.

The recommended clinical dosage for Vitamin B1 is 1.1mg to 1.2mg per day for adults, so the 1.1mg in NooCube falls within this range.

This research discusses the potential cognitive benefits of Vitamin B1.

Pterostilbene (NooCube: 140mcg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 60mg Blend)

Pterostilbene is a compound found in blueberries that's known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include Pterostilbene in their formulas.

The recommended clinical dosage for Pterostilbene is not well-established, but most supplements recommend a dosage of 50mg to 250mg per day.

In NooCube, the amount of Pterostilbene is significantly below this range.

In Alpha Brain, Pterostilbene is part of a 60mg blend, so the exact amount is not clear.

This study provides more information on the potential cognitive benefits of Pterostilbene.

Vitamin B7 (NooCube: 50mcg)

Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, is essential for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and producing energy in the body.

It's included in NooCube, but not in Alpha Brain.

The recommended clinical dosage for Vitamin B7 is 30mcg to 100mcg per day for adults, so the 50mcg in NooCube falls within this range.

This research discusses the potential cognitive benefits of Vitamin B7.

Vitamin B12 (NooCube: 2.5mcg, Alpha Brain: Part Of 400mcg Blend)

Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of the nervous system.

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain include Vitamin B12 in their formulas.

The recommended clinical dosage for Vitamin B12 is 2.4mcg per day for adults, so the 2.5mcg in NooCube falls within this range.

However, in Alpha Brain, Vitamin B12 is part of a 400mcg blend, so the exact amount is not clear.

This study provides more information on the cognitive benefits of Vitamin B12.

Similarities and Differences Between NooCube and Alpha Brain

When it comes to nootropic supplements, NooCube and Alpha Brain are two of the most popular options on the market.

Both are designed to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase focus.

However, despite their similar goals, several key differences exist in their ingredients and formulations.


  1. Shared Ingredients: NooCube and Alpha Brain contain L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Cat’s Claw bark, Alpha GPC, and Huperzine A. These ingredients are known for their cognitive-enhancing properties, including improved memory, increased focus, and enhanced mental alertness.
  2. Focus on Natural Ingredients: Both supplements prioritize natural, plant-based ingredients. For instance, NooCube includes Brahmi herb and oat straw, while Alpha Brain incorporates oat straw extract and Cat's Claw extract.
  3. Aim to Enhance Cognitive Function: Both NooCube and Alpha Brain are designed with the same goal in mind: to enhance cognitive function. They aim to improve memory, increase focus, and boost mental speed.


  1. Ingredient Variety: NooCube includes a wider variety of ingredients than Alpha Brain. In addition to the shared ingredients, NooCube also contains Brahmi herb, oat straw, Lutemax 2020, Resveratrol, Vitamin B1, Pterostilbene, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin B12. On the other hand, Alpha Brain includes a unique blend of Tyrosine, Oat Straw Extract, Phosphatidylserine, and Leucine.
  2. Dosage: There are significant differences in the dosages of the shared ingredients. For instance, NooCube contains 250mg of L-Tyrosine and 100mg of L-Theanine, while the exact amounts of these ingredients in Alpha Brain are unclear due to proprietary blends.
  3. Proprietary Blends: Alpha Brain uses proprietary blends, which means the exact amount of each ingredient in the blend is not disclosed. This can make it difficult to determine the effectiveness of the supplement. On the other hand, NooCube provides clear information about the amount of each ingredient.
  4. Additional Vitamins: NooCube includes additional vitamins such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin B12, which are not found in Alpha Brain. These vitamins are essential for various bodily functions, including energy production and maintenance of the nervous system.

In conclusion, while NooCube and Alpha Brain share some similarities in their goals and ingredients, they differ significantly in their ingredient variety, dosage, use of proprietary blends, and inclusion of additional vitamins.

These differences can influence the effectiveness of the supplements and should be considered when choosing between the two.

NooCube vs Alpha Brain: The Verdict

Both NooCube and Alpha Brain have their strengths and weaknesses.

NooCube includes a wider variety of ingredients, but many are underdosed compared to the recommended clinical dosages.

On the other hand, Alpha Brain includes fewer ingredients, but the dosages for some of them are unclear due to the use of proprietary blends.

If you're looking for a nootropic supplement with a wider variety of ingredients, NooCube might be the better choice.

However, Alpha Brain might be more suitable if you prefer a supplement with higher dosages of key ingredients like Cat's Claw and Huperzine A.

Better And More Affordable Alternatives To NooCube And Alpha Brain

While NooCube and Alpha Brain are popular nootropic supplements, other options on the market offer a wider range of ingredients at a more affordable price.

Two such alternatives are Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs.

Both of these options are priced under $55, making them more cost-effective than Alpha Brain, which is priced at $70.

Focus By Huge Nutrition

Focus by Huge Nutrition is a comprehensive nootropic supplement that includes a variety of potent ingredients.

Here's a breakdown of its ingredients:

  • L-Tyrosine (2500mg): An amino acid that can improve mental performance under stress.
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder (800mg): A mushroom known for its neuroprotective effects.
  • 2-Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate (DMAE, 750mg): A compound that may enhance memory and mood.
  • Alpha GPC 50% (600mg): A choline-containing supplement that can enhance cognitive function.
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract (400mg): An adaptogen that can help the body resist stress.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract (300mg): A plant extract known for its cognitive-enhancing effects.
  • L-Theanine (150mg): An amino acid that can promote relaxation without drowsiness.
  • Huperzine A 1% (20mg): A compound that can enhance memory and learning.
  • Bioperine®: Enhances the bioavailability of other ingredients.
  • Stimulants: N-Phenethyl dimethylamine (250mg), Caffeine Anhydrous (200mg), Di-Caffeine Malate (200mg).

Nootropic By Transparent Labs

Nootropic by Transparent Labs is another excellent alternative that offers a range of potent ingredients. Here's a breakdown of its ingredients:

  • Citicoline (Cognizin, 300mg): A compound that can enhance memory and cognitive function.
  • SerinAid (50% Phosphatidylserine, 200mg): A compound that can enhance memory and mood.
  • Theanine (200mg): An amino acid that can promote relaxation without drowsiness.
  • PurCaf Organic Caffeine (100mg): A natural source of caffeine that can enhance alertness and cognitive performance.
  • CognatiQ Coffeea Arabica (100mg): A unique ingredient that can enhance cognitive function.
  • Astragin (50mg): Enhances the absorption of other ingredients.
  • Huperzine A (300mcg): A compound that can enhance memory and learning.

In conclusion, both Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs offer a wider range of ingredients at a more affordable price compared to NooCube and Alpha Brain.

These alternatives could be worth considering if you want a more cost-effective nootropic supplement.

MindSeries Nootropic by Transparent Labs

With 6 nootropic ingredients, along with 3 premium forms, MindSeries Nootropic is a simple but very effective formula for sustaining prolonged focus and energy.

  • Comprehensive nootropic formula
  • Uses clinical dosing
  • All day focus and productivity
Ingredients: 300mg Citicoline (Cognizin), 200mg SerinAid (50% Phosphatidylserine), 200mg Theanine, 100mg PurCaf Organic Caffeine, 100mg CognatiQ Coffeea Arabica, 50mg Astragin, 300mcg Huperzine A
Stimulants: 100mg PurCafe Caffeine
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What are the main differences between NooCube and Alpha Brain?

NooCube and Alpha Brain differ mainly in their ingredient variety and dosage. NooCube includes a wider variety of ingredients, but many are underdosed compared to the recommended clinical dosages. On the other hand, Alpha Brain uses proprietary blends, making it difficult to determine the exact amounts of each ingredient.

Are there any ingredients common to NooCube and Alpha Brain?

Yes, both NooCube and Alpha Brain contain L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Cat’s Claw bark, Alpha GPC, and Huperzine A.

Are NooCube and Alpha Brain expensive?

Compared to other nootropic supplements on the market, NooCube and Alpha Brain are relatively expensive. Alpha Brain is priced at $70, making it more expensive than many other options.

What are some affordable alternatives to NooCube and Alpha Brain?

Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs are two affordable NooCube and Alpha Brain alternatives. Both of these options are priced under $55.

How do the ingredients in Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs compare to those in NooCube and Alpha Brain?

Both Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs offer a wider range of ingredients compared to NooCube and Alpha Brain. They also provide clear information about the amount of each ingredient, unlike Alpha Brain which uses proprietary blends.

Are Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs effective?

Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs include ingredients known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. However, as with all supplements, individual results may vary.

Do Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs contain stimulants?

Yes, both Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs contain caffeine as a stimulant. Focus by Huge Nutrition also contains N-Phenethyl dimethylamine.

Are there any side effects associated with these nootropic supplements?

Side effects can vary depending on the individual and the specific supplement. Some potential side effects of nootropic supplements can include headaches, digestive upset, and insomnia, particularly in those sensitive to stimulants like caffeine. It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Which nootropic supplement is the best?

The "best" nootropic supplement can vary depending on individual needs and preferences. Some people may prefer a supplement with a wider variety of ingredients, like NooCube, while others may prefer a higher dosages of key ingredients, like Alpha Brain. Focus by Huge Nutrition and Nootropic by Transparent Labs are also excellent options that balance variety and dosage.

Where can I buy these nootropic supplements?

NooCube, Alpha Brain, Focus by Huge Nutrition, and Nootropic by Transparent Labs can all be purchased online through their official websites.

Bottom Line

While Alpha Brain and its upgraded version, Alpha Brain Black Label, offer a unique blend of ingredients designed to enhance cognitive functioning, alternatives on the market offer a wider range of ingredients at a lower cost.

As with any supplement, it's important to do thorough research and consult a healthcare professional before starting a new regimen.

by Nader Qudimat

Forged by iron and cold steel, I'm Nader, a mid-30s natural bodybuilder. Once a 100lb skinny guy, I've transformed into a 200lb muscular athlete with over 15 years of lifting experience. Today, I leverage my transformation and extensive experience to guide countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

Click here to check out my 12 year transformation: Natural 12 Year Transformation

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