Supreme By Kilo Labs Review

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 28, 2023

Supreme by Kilo Labs is a pre-workout supplement designed to elevate your workout.

It's a blend of carefully selected ingredients that boost your energy, enhance your focus, and improve your performance.

Let's dig into the ingredients and the experience with Supreme Pre-Workout.

Supreme Pre-Workout: Quick Overview

Supreme by Kilo Labs is a potent pre-workout supplement that aims to take your workouts to the next level.

It has ingredients that boost energy, enhance focus, and improve endurance.

Power Boost
Supreme Pre Workout by Kilo Labs

Supreme is a potent blend of scientifically-backed ingredients designed to optimize your workout performance and recovery. It's a comprehensive solution that boosts energy, enhances cognitive function, and supports cardiovascular health.

  • Enhances Physical Performance
  • Boosts Cognitive Function
  • Promotes Muscle Recovery
Ingredients: 6g Citrulline Malate, 3.2g Beta Alanine, 2g Hydroprime, 500mg Coconut Powder, 100mcg Huperzine
Stimulants: 400mg caffeine, 200mg DMHA, 150mg Theobromine
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Supreme Ingredients Overview

Supreme by Kilo Labs is a pre-workout supplement that packs a powerful punch with carefully selected ingredients.

Each ingredient in Supreme is chosen for its unique properties and potential benefits, creating a blend that aims to enhance your workout performance and overall health.

The formula includes L-Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, HydroPrime, Coconut Powder, Caffeine, Juglans, Theobromine, and Huperzine.

These ingredients work together to provide various benefits, from improved cognitive function and cardiovascular health to antioxidant benefits.

Supreme has got you covered whether you're looking to boost your focus during workouts, enhance your endurance, or improve your overall health.

L-Citrulline Malate

L-Citrulline Malate is a non-essential amino acid that is crucial to the body's metabolic processes.

It is often used in pre-workout supplements because it can improve muscle strength, support endurance, and speed up recovery time.

Research shows that L-Citrulline Malate can enhance the use of amino acids, especially the branched-chain amino acids, during exercise, which can help with muscle building.

It also helps remove toxins such as lactic acid and ammonia, which are by-products of intense physical activity and can cause muscle fatigue.

Moreover, L-Citrulline Malate is converted into L-arginine in the kidneys, a precursor to nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and improves circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles.

This can result in improved exercise performance and cardiovascular health.

Studies have also indicated that L-Citrulline Malate supplementation can improve erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction due to its impact on blood flow.


Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring beta-amino acid used by athletes and bodybuilders for its performance-enhancing effects.

It works primarily by promoting the synthesis of carnosine, a molecule that helps buffer acid in muscles, which can improve physical performance during high-intensity exercise.

Research has shown that Beta-Alanine supplementation can increase carnosine concentrations in muscles, thereby delaying muscle fatigue and improving total work done.

In addition to its performance-enhancing effects, Beta-Alanine has also been associated with health benefits.

For instance, studies have suggested that Beta-Alanine may have antioxidant, anti-aging, and immune-enhancing properties.

However, more research is needed to understand these potential benefits fully.


HydroPrime is a form of glycerol often used in sports and fitness supplements for its potential to improve hydration and endurance.

Glycerol is a compound naturally present in the body and plays a role in hydration and thermoregulation.

When consumed as a supplement, glycerol can draw water into cells, which can help maintain hydration and prevent dehydration during prolonged exercise.

Research has shown that glycerol supplementation can enhance hydration and endurance performance in athletes, especially in hot and humid conditions.

In addition to its hydration benefits, HydroPrime may also improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles.

This can result in improved exercise performance and recovery. However, more research is needed to understand these potential benefits fully.

Coconut Powder

Coconut powder is made from the dried and ground flesh of coconuts.

It is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), fat the body can easily absorb and use for energy.

Athletes often use MCTs for their potential to enhance exercise performance.

Studies have shown that MCTs can increase fat oxidation and energy expenditure during exercise, which can improve endurance and aid in weight management.

In addition to its potential performance-enhancing effects, coconut powder also provides essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

These nutrients can support overall health and well-being.

However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of coconut powder for exercise performance and health.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant in tea, coffee, and cacao plants.

It works by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay alert and preventing the onset of tiredness.

Researchers have found that caffeine can improve brain function, including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times, and general cognitive function.

In exercise, caffeine is often used to enhance physical performance.

It can increase adrenaline levels, release fatty acids from the fat tissues, and stimulate the nervous system to signal muscles to break down fat.

These effects can enhance physical performance, reduce the perception of effort, and increase time to exhaustion.

Studies have shown that on average, caffeine can improve exercise performance by 11-12%.

Juglans (200mg)

Juglans, commonly known as walnut, is a type of tree that produces a nutrient-rich nut.

The extract from this nut is used in Supreme due to its numerous health benefits.

Juglans is rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage by harmful free radicals

It also contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health.

Juglans, or DMHA, can:

  • Provides antioxidants
  • Contains Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Supports brain health

Theobromine (150mg)

Theobromine is a natural compound found in cacao plants and is one of the reasons dark chocolate is known for its health benefits.

It acts as a mild stimulant and diuretic, but its main health benefit is its ability to dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

In a nutshell, Theobromine:

  • Acts as a mild stimulant
  • Dilates blood vessels
  • Improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure

Huperzine (100mcg)

Huperzine is a substance extracted from the herbs of the Huperziceae family.

It is known for its neuroprotective and nootropic properties, which protects brain health and enhances cognitive functions.

Huperzine is often used to improve memory and mental function in people with Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia.

To summarize, Huperzine:

  • Protects brain health
  • Enhances cognitive functions
  • Improves memory and mental function

Hybrid vs Supreme: A Comparative Analysis

Both Hybrid and Supreme by Kilo Labs have their unique strengths.

Let's dive into a comparative analysis of these two products to help you understand which might best fit your fitness goals.

Read our review on Hybrid here.

Mood Elevation: Hybrid Takes the Lead

Hybrid is known for its mood-elevating properties.

It contains a blend of ingredients that synergistically enhance your mood during workouts.

This can be particularly beneficial when you're feeling low or unmotivated.

A positive mood can significantly impact your workout performance, helping you push through challenging exercises and reach your fitness goals.

Focus: Supreme Shines

On the other hand, Supreme stands out for its ability to enhance focus.

It contains ingredients like Huperzine, known for its neuroprotective and nootropic properties.

This means it can enhance cognitive functions and improve focus, which is crucial during workouts.

Whether lifting weights or doing high-intensity interval training, maintaining focus can help you perform each exercise correctly and efficiently.

Ingredient Differences

While both Hybrid and Supreme contain potent blends of ingredients, there are some key differences. Supreme contains ingredients like L-Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, HydroPrime, Coconut Powder, Caffeine, Juglans, Theobromine, and Huperzine.

These ingredients are known for their various benefits, including enhanced cognitive function, improved cardiovascular health, and antioxidant benefits.

On the other hand, Hybrid contains a similar but distinct blend of ingredients, which contribute to its mood-elevating properties.

Hybrid's formula includes Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine, Hydroprime, Caffeine, DMHA, Theobromine, and Eria Jarensis.

DMHA and Eria Jarensis are stimulants that enhance mood and energy, making Hybrid a great choice for those seeking mood elevation in their pre-workout supplement.

In conclusion, combining Hybrid and Supreme depends on your fitness goals and needs.

If mood elevation is your priority, Hybrid might be the better choice.

However, Supreme could be the way to go if you're looking for a pre-workout supplement to enhance focus.

Power Boost
Supreme Pre Workout by Kilo Labs

Supreme is a potent blend of scientifically-backed ingredients designed to optimize your workout performance and recovery. It's a comprehensive solution that boosts energy, enhances cognitive function, and supports cardiovascular health.

  • Enhances Physical Performance
  • Boosts Cognitive Function
  • Promotes Muscle Recovery
Ingredients: 6g Citrulline Malate, 3.2g Beta Alanine, 2g Hydroprime, 500mg Coconut Powder, 100mcg Huperzine
Stimulants: 400mg caffeine, 200mg DMHA, 150mg Theobromine
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What is Supreme by Kilo Labs?

Supreme by Kilo Labs is a pre-workout supplement designed to enhance physical performance, boost cognitive function, and support cardiovascular health. It contains scientifically-backed ingredients, including L-Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, HydroPrime, Coconut Powder, Caffeine, Juglans, Theobromine, and Huperzine.

How does Supreme enhance workout performance?

Supreme enhances workout performance by increasing energy levels, improving focus, and promoting muscle recovery. Ingredients like L-Citrulline Malate and Beta-Alanine help delay muscle fatigue, while Caffeine boosts energy.

Can Supreme help with weight management?

While Supreme is not specifically designed for weight loss, it does contain ingredients like Caffeine and Coconut Powder that can support weight management by increasing energy expenditure and promoting fat oxidation during exercise.

Does Supreme have any side effects?

As with any supplement, potential side effects can vary depending on individual tolerance and dosage. Some people may experience jitters, restlessness, or sleep disturbances due to the caffeine content. Always start with a lower dose to assess tolerance and consult a healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

How should I take Supreme?

For best results, taking Supreme 20-30 minutes before your workout is recommended. Always follow the dosage instructions on the product label and adjust as needed based on your tolerance and workout intensity.

Can I take Supreme if I have a medical condition?

If you have a medical condition or are taking any medications, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, including Supreme.

Is Supreme suitable for vegans or vegetarians?

The product label does not specify whether Supreme suits vegans or vegetarians. If you follow a specific diet, checking the ingredient list or contacting the manufacturer for more information is always a good idea.

Can I take Supreme with other supplements?

Supreme can generally be taken with other supplements, but checking for potential interactions's always a good idea. For example, because Supreme contains caffeine, taking it with other stimulant-based supplements may not be advisable.

Where can I buy Supreme?

Supreme by Kilo Labs can be purchased directly from the Kilo Labs website or from various online retailers that sell fitness supplements.

How does Supreme taste?

Supreme is often praised for its great taste, making it a pleasant addition to your pre-workout routine. However, taste can be subjective, and individual preferences may vary.

Bottom Line

Supreme is a powerful blend of natural ingredients to enhance your health and well-being.

Its unique combination of Juglans, Theobromine, and Huperzine offers a range of benefits, from improved cognitive function to enhanced cardiovascular health.

It's a great pre-workout if you're looking for something as a daily type of pre-workout or want something with good focus and energy.

You can find our list of strong pre-workouts here.

by Nader Qudimat

Forged by iron and cold steel, I'm Nader, a mid-30s natural bodybuilder. Once a 100lb skinny guy, I've transformed into a 200lb muscular athlete with over 15 years of lifting experience. Today, I leverage my transformation and extensive experience to guide countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

Click here to check out my 12 year transformation: Natural 12 Year Transformation

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