SARMs Simplified: The 2024 Beginners Guide

by Nader Qudimat
Updated December 16, 2023

Let's face it, the fitness world is practically swimming in anabolic steroids.

Originally designed as a lifeline for folks dealing with muscle loss, steroids have become the go-to for anyone looking to beef up their muscle mass, strength, and bone density.

But here's the thing:

Steroids come with a laundry list of side effects.

And guess who gets the short end of the stick?

Yep, women and children.

This led to a chorus of doctors asking for a safer alternative that could still deliver the goods in terms of muscle growth but without the nasty side effects.

Enter stage right: SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

These guys are a game-changer, and here's why:

Unlike steroids, which bind to every androgen receptor they can find (leading to unwanted side effects like prostate growth), SARMs are a bit more discerning.

They only bind to muscle and bone tissue, which means fewer androgenic side effects.

While SARMs can still have some impact on things like your lipid values, they're not going to wreak the same level of havoc as steroids.

And the cherry on top? SARMs are legal to buy as research chemicals.

Sounds like a win-win, right?

You bet.

Plus, there's a whole smorgasbord of SARMs to choose from, depending on your goals. You can even stack them together or use them with peptides.

Here are a few fan favorites:

  • MK-677: While not technically a SARM, this growth hormone secretagogue can boost the amount of growth hormone your body naturally produces. This can lead to improved muscle growth, increased bone density, fat loss, and even better skin and hair.
  • Cardarine: Again, not technically a SARM, but it's a great tool for improving fat loss, cholesterol, endurance, and more.
  • Ligandrol-4033: This is the go-to SARM for most people looking to increase muscle size and strength. It's generally well-tolerated, and users often see great results.

In general, most people get along just fine with SARMs.

Of course, there are always exceptions, and some folks might have reactions to the stronger SARMs.

But don't worry, we've got you covered.

Whatever you want to know about SARMs, we've done the homework...

Key Takeaways

  1. Selective Binding: Unlike steroids that bind to all androgen receptors in the body, SARMs are more selective. They only bind to muscle and bone tissue, which means fewer side effects. [study]

  2. Health Impact: SARMs can still impact things like your lipid values, but they're not going to wreak the same level of havoc as steroids.[study]

  3. Legal Status: SARMs are legal to buy as research chemicals.[study]

  4. Variety: There's a whole smorgasbord of SARMs to choose from, depending on your goals. You can even stack them together or use them with peptides.[study]

  5. Potential Uses: SARMs have been proposed as treatments for various diseases, including muscle wasting, breast cancer, and osteoporosis.[study]

  6. Research Stage: SARMs are still in the research stage, and while they have shown promise in early clinical studies, more research is needed to fully understand their effects and potential risks. [study]

  7. User Experiences: User experiences with SARMs vary, with some reporting positive results and others experiencing side effects. It's important to do your own research and consult with a healthcare professional before using SARMs. [study]

  8. Muscle Wasting in Cancer: SARMs are being studied for their potential to prevent and treat muscle wasting in cancer patients. [study]

What Are Sarms?

SARMs are a novel class of drugs similar to androgenic steroids, including testosterone.

They aren't steroids, but they do bind to the androgen receptors located in our cells, which respond to hormones like testosterone.

The appeal of SARMs is they have the ability to stimulate the androgen receptor just like anabolic steroids, but they don’t produce the same side effects.

This is a huge advancement in the world of bodybuilding and fitness.

They were initially discovered during a drug development trial aiming to find a treatment for prostate cancer.

Some commonly used SARMs include Ostarine (MK-2866), Cardarine (GW501516), and Ibutamoren (MK-667) [source].

How Do SARMs Work?

When it comes to the world of fitness and bodybuilding, SARMs are like the new kids on the block.

They're making waves because of their unique way of working.

Unlike steroids, which are a bit like a bull in a china shop, binding to every androgen receptor they come across, SARMs are more like a well-trained ballet dancer, selectively binding to only muscle and bone tissue [study, study].

This selective binding is what makes SARMs so special. They can stimulate muscle-building receptors while avoiding other receptors that could lead to androgenic side effects [study] .

This means you get the muscle and bone-building benefits without the unwanted extras.

The History of SARMS

The journey of SARMs started back in the 1940s with the initial efforts to develop steroidal SARMs, which were based on modifications of the testosterone molecule [study, study].

However, the real game-changer came in the late 1990s when the first nonsteroidal SARM, an analog of bicalutamide, was discovered [study].

These nonsteroidal SARMs were designed to have the same kind of effects as androgenic drugs, such as anabolic-androgenic steroids, but with more selectivity in their action [study].

This marked the beginning of a new era in the field of performance-enhancing drugs.

The development of nonsteroidal SARMs was further propelled by independent work at Ligand Pharmaceuticals and the University of Tennessee [study].

Since then, SARMs have been studied for various applications, including as potential treatments for diseases like muscle wasting, breast cancer, and osteoporosis [study].

Types of SARMS

There are many different types of SARMs, each with its own potential benefits and side effects.

Some of the most common ones include:

  • Ostarine (MK-2866): Known for its mild nature and versatility, Ostarine is often recommended for beginners. It can promote muscle growth and fat loss without causing significant side effects.

  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033): Ligandrol is a more potent SARM that is best suited for bulking cycles. It can significantly increase muscle mass, but it may also cause more noticeable side effects.

  • Testolone (RAD-140): Testolone is one of the most potent SARMs available. It can lead to significant muscle growth and has even been studied for its potential to combat muscle-wasting diseases.

Here is more information on the common types of SARMs:

Ostarine (MK-2866):

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is one of the most well-known and widely used SARMs.

It's known for its mild nature and versatility, making it a popular choice for beginners.

Ostarine primarily targets muscle and bone tissue, promoting muscle growth and bone strength. It's also been noted for its potential to aid in fat loss.

The typical dosage for Ostarine ranges from 10-30mg per day, and it's often used in cycles of 8-12 weeks.

Ligandrol (LGD-4033):

Ligandrol, or LGD-4033, is a more potent SARM that's best suited for bulking cycles.

It's known for its ability to significantly increase muscle mass and strength.

Ligandrol works by binding to androgen receptors in the muscles and bones, stimulating the growth of new muscle cells and enhancing bone mineral density.

The usual dosage for Ligandrol is between 5-10mg per day, and it's typically used in cycles of 8-12 weeks.

Testolone (RAD-140):

Testolone, also known as RAD-140, is one of the most potent SARMs available.

It's known for its ability to promote significant muscle growth and has even been studied for its potential to combat muscle-wasting diseases.

Testolone works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in the muscles and bones, leading to increased muscle mass and bone strength. The typical dosage for Testolone is between 10-30mg per day, and it's often used in cycles of 8-12 weeks.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren):

While technically not a SARM, MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is often grouped with SARMs due to its similar effects. MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue, which means it stimulates the body to produce more growth hormones.

This can lead to increased muscle growth, improved bone density, and fat loss. The typical dosage for MK-677 is between 10-25mg per day, and it can be used in longer cycles of up to 6 months due to its different mechanisms of action.

Cardarine (GW-501516):

Again, not technically a SARM, but often discussed in the same context, Cardarine, or GW-501516, is known for its ability to improve fat loss, cholesterol levels, and endurance.

It works by activating the PPARδ receptor, which increases the body's use of fat for energy.

This can lead to improved fat loss and increased endurance, making Cardarine a popular choice for cutting cycles and endurance athletes.

The typical dosage for Cardarine is between 10-20mg per day, and it's often used in cycles of 8-12 weeks.

Research On SARMs 

Research on SARMs has shown promising results. Here are some key findings:

  1. A study published in JAMA showed that the majority of unapproved drugs marketed as SARMs were inaccurately labeled and contained unapproved drugs and substances.

  2. A study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology stated that SARMs show promise in the treatment of a variety of clinical indications, including muscle-wasting diseases.

  3. A study published in the Journal ofPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics found that SARMs have the potential to be used in therapy for diseases such as cancer cachexia, osteoporosis, frailty, and other signs of aging.

  4. A study published in Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care found that SARMs could be used to prevent and treat muscle wasting in patients with cancer.

How To Use SARMS Safely

Here's how you can use SARMs safely and effectively:

  1. Choose the Right SARM: Not all SARMs are created equal. Some are more potent and have a higher risk of side effects than others. For example, Ostarine (MK-2866) is often recommended for beginners due to its mild nature, while Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is more potent and may be suitable for more experienced users. Study

  2. Start with a Low Dose: It's always a good idea to start with a low dose to see how your body reacts. If you tolerate the SARM well, you can gradually increase the dose. However, keep in mind that higher doses are more likely to cause side effects. Study

  3. Cycle Your Use: Continuous use of SARMs can lead to side effects like suppression of natural testosterone production. To avoid this, it's recommended to use SARMs in cycles, typically 8-12 weeks, followed by a break. This gives your body a chance to recover. Study

  4. Monitor Your Health: Regular health check-ups are crucial when using SARMs. This includes blood tests to monitor your liver health and hormone levels. If you notice any adverse effects, it's best to stop using SARMs and seek medical advice. Study

  5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: SARMs are not a magic pill. They work best when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Also, getting enough sleep and reducing stress can enhance your results. Study

  6. Avoid Stacking: Stacking refers to the practice of using multiple SARMs at the same time. While this can potentially lead to greater muscle gains, it also increases the risk of side effects. If you're new to SARMs, it's best to stick to one at a time. Study

Remember, while SARMs can help enhance muscle growth and fat loss, they are not without risks. Always do your research, listen to your body, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

How To Train While Using SARMs

If you're a natural lifter, you'll want to hit the gym more often.

Aiming to work for each muscle group twice a week is a good starting point, but if you're looking to see significant growth beyond the beginner stage, you might want to up that to three or even four times a week. 

If you're an enhanced lifter, you've got a bit of a free pass here.

Thanks to the protein synthesis boost from your enhancements, you don't need to work on each muscle group quite as often.

Cardio, Anyone?

If you're an enhanced lifter, it's time to embrace cardio. It's a great way to counteract some of the less-than-ideal health impacts that can come with enhancements, like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Volume Control

If you're a natural lifter, you'll want to keep an eye on your volume. Why? Because you're more susceptible to the effects of cortisol. This pesky hormone can ramp up protein breakdown and put a damper on protein synthesis.

Effort Level

Natural lifters, it's time to push it. To stimulate maximum growth, you'll need to work harder during each set. You might not be able to do as much volume, but you can make up for it with effort.

Protein Power

Enhanced lifters, listen up. You'll need more protein. Thanks to your elevated rate of protein synthesis, you'll need to keep the protein coming in.

Calorie Count

If you're in a growth phase and you're an enhanced lifter, you'll need more calories. Your body is a pro at using nutrients efficiently to build muscle, so feed it what it needs.

Cortisol Check

Natural lifters, it's time to focus on decreasing cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels can help promote growth, so it's worth paying attention to.

Supplement Situation

Enhanced lifters, you'll want to stock up on supplements. Especially the ones that boost health. They can help offset some of the potential negative effects of performance-enhancing drugs.

Calorie Cutting

If you're an enhanced lifter and you're dieting, you can afford to cut back on calories a bit. You're less likely to lose muscle, so you can be a bit more aggressive with your calorie deficit.

Exercise Excellence

Natural lifters, it's all about quality over quantity. Focus on the most effective exercises and avoid doing too many similar ones. You want to get the most bang for your buck with each workout.

User Experiences on SARMs

Reddit is a great place to find real user experiences with SARMs. Here are some experiences shared by Reddit users:

  1. "u/No-Ad-4457" shared their positive experience with RAD140, noting significant strength gains and improved physique.

  2. "u/ifbbprodj" also had a positive experience with RAD140, with noticeable muscle gains and fat loss.

  3. "u/ViewNo2652" reported a positive experience with RAD140 but also noted some side effects like aggression and mood swings.

  4. "u/benmill6" asked for experiences with RAD140 and received mixed responses, with some users reporting positive results and others noting side effects like hair loss and suppression.

  5. "u/7HVN" asked for a straight answer on SARMs and received a variety of responses, with some users advocating for their use and others warning against potential side effects.

  6. "u/Jorzaz" asked if SARMs are worth it and received mixed responses, with some users believing they are a good stepping stone to more potent substances, while others believe they are not worth the cost and potential side effects.

  7. "u/Imfear2000" asked for advice on SARMs or a test cycle and received a variety of responses, with some users recommending SARMs for beginners and others suggesting a test cycle instead.

  8. "u/Findyourbeach720" shared their transformation after using SARMs, receiving positive feedback from the community.

Negative Experiences with SARMs

Alright, let's talk about the not-so-pretty side of SARMs.

You see, while these compounds have a reputation for muscle-building magic, they're not all sunshine and rainbows.

A study that surveyed the land of Reddit found that over half of SARMs users experienced side effects.

We're talking mood swings, shrunken testicles, and acne. Not exactly the kind of "gains" you're looking for, right?

This survey wasn't just a quick poll either. It collected responses from 520 people, with 343 of them admitting to using SARMs.

Most of these users were guys between 18 and 29. And here's the kicker: over 90% of them bought SARMs online without any medical advice.

Sure, more than 90% of these guys reported muscle growth. But over half of them also reported significant side effects.

This just goes to show that while SARMs might promise muscle growth, they can also deliver a hefty dose of unwanted side effects.

And it's not just Reddit users reporting these issues. The FDA has also raised red flags about SARMs.

They've linked these compounds to serious health problems like an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, hallucinations, and sleep disturbances.

So, while SARMs might seem like a shortcut to gains, they come with a pretty significant risk.

As always, it's crucial to chat with a healthcare professional before diving into a new supplement routine.

Because when it comes to your health, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Benefits of SARMs

SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are a big deal in the bodybuilding anabolic category.

They're known for their targeted action and unique benefits.

The primary benefit of SARMs is their potential to promote muscle growth.

By binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, SARMs can stimulate the growth of new muscle cells.

This can lead to increased muscle mass and strength, making SARMs a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes.

Here's a quick rundown:

  1. Muscle Growth: SARMs are like personal trainers for your androgen receptors. They stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth, making them a favorite among bodybuilders and athletes.

  2. Bone Health: SARMs aren't just about muscles. They're also champions of bone health, working to increase bone mineral density.

  3. Fat Loss: SARMs act like your personal fat-burning furnace. They help increase fat oxidation and reduce body fat, leading to a leaner physique.

  4. Fewer Side Effects: Compared to traditional steroids, SARMs have a better side effect profile. They're less likely to cause unwanted effects like acne, hair loss, and prostate enlargement.

SARMs and Women

SARMs are also a hit among women looking to enhance their fitness and physique.

They can help build lean muscle mass without the risk of virilization, aid in fat loss, and improve bone health.

But remember, ladies, always use SARMs responsibly and under professional guidance.


Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is crucial after a SARMs cycle.

It helps restore natural hormone levels and can keep side effects like fatigue, loss of libido, and mood changes at bay.

The specifics of PCT can vary, so always consult with a healthcare professional.

(Read: PCT for SARMs)

SARMs vs Prohormones

The main difference between SARMs and prohormones is that prohormones are illegal in the States and are classed as a Substance 3 controlled substance. 

SARMs are legal and though prohormones are powerful, there are very few that are actually worth the money.

Here are the main differences:

  • Mechanism of Action: SARMs selectively target muscle and bone cells, while prohormones convert into active hormones in the body.

  • Side Effects: SARMs generally have fewer side effects compared to prohormones, which can cause hormonal imbalances and liver toxicity.

  • Legality: SARMs are legal for research purposes, while many prohormones are banned by sports organizations and regulatory bodies.

  • Effectiveness: Both SARMs and prohormones can be effective for muscle growth, but SARMs offer a more targeted approach.

Prohormones made waves around 2005, they were generally much more powerful back in the day. 

Being able to find prohormones that work without harsh side effects is one challenge, but commonly the weaker ones still have side effects that make them unappealing to use. 

SARMs vs Steroids

Steroids requires strict supervision of a medical professional (i.e. doctor) and commonly they are used and abused, leading to addictive patterns that make it very dangerous choice for the common lifter. 

With SARMs they are much safer and although the strength is no where near anabolic steroids, they are safe to use generally. 

  • Targeted Action: SARMs selectively bind to androgen receptors in muscle and bone cells, while steroids affect the entire body.

  • Side Effects: Steroids can lead to severe side effects like acne, hair loss, and liver damage. SARMs, on the other hand, have a better side effect profile.

  • Recovery: Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is generally less intense for SARMs users compared to steroid users.

  • Legality: Like SARMs, anabolic steroids are also legal for research purposes, but their use is banned in competitive sports.

  • Effectiveness: Both SARMs and steroids can promote muscle growth and strength, but steroids are often considered more potent.

The only reason you should pick steroids over SARMs is if you are planning to compete against bodybuilders like Kai Greene. 

The risks are real with steroids and some of them are irreversible, making them not worth it. 

If you want to live a strong and long life, then you’ll always choose the safer alternative, and here it seems to be SARMs. 

How To Take SARMs

To understand how they work, you first should understand androgens.

Studies involving SARMs are very limited and is still ongoing.

All dosages recommended over the web are going to be anecdotal.

The good news is that there’s enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a starting point of 10mg.

The upper limit is around 30mg.

Some SARMs are more powerful than others, hence requiring the lower recommended dosage of 10mg.

When you start with 10mg, you can work your way up by 5mg per cycle of 6 weeks.

And SARMs can have different bioavailability, depending on the quality and processing used by the manufacture.

SARMs Legal Status

Since SARMs are a research chemical, they are not recommended for human consumption.

This means they are nor illegal or legal.

But when it comes to human consumption, they are illegal.

If you buy them, you can’t be arrested.

Worst case scenario, if you import them to your country, they may be confiscated if they are found by customs officers.

Where To Get SARMs?

Here's a quick rundown on the various SARM stores:

  • Amino Asylum: Mixed reviews make it a risky choice for SARMs. It's advisable to proceed with caution.

  • Behemoth Labz: Despite some positive reviews, there are concerns about product quality and customer service.

  • Swiss Chems: Many users report positive experiences, but there are also negative reviews, making it a somewhat risky choice.

  • Chemyo: Highly recommended by users for their product quality and customer service.

  • Sports Technology Labs: Mixed reviews suggest it's a risky choice, with some users reporting positive experiences and others reporting negative ones.

  • Nootropics Unlimited: Negative reviews and concerns about product quality make it a risky choice.

  • Pure Rawz: Mixed reviews, with some users reporting positive experiences and others reporting negative ones. Caution is advised.

  • Spectre Labs: Mixed reviews, with some users reporting positive experiences and others reporting negative ones. Caution is advised.

  • Androbolics: Negative reviews and concerns about product quality make it a risky choice.

Update: is back in service (2023) is back!

Yes, you heard it right.

After a year-long break, this trusted SARMs and research compounds vendor is back in business.

Same owner.

Same commitment to quality.

Same excellent service.

They're starting with their most popular products - SARMs.

And they plan to gradually restock their previous inventory levels.

But, there's a twist.

They've introduced a customer approval system.

Certain products can only be purchased if you're an approved customer.

This is to ensure customers understand these products are for research purposes only.

And that they have the necessary testing and measuring equipment at home. has always been a beacon of trust in a market filled with questionable vendors.

They're known for their wide variety of nootropics, metabolics, and cognitive supplements.

All of which are third-party tested and batch lot coded for transparency and quality assurance.

They're US-based.

Their products ship from the US.

They offer a variety of payment options, including credit cards, eCheck, bank transfers, and cryptocurrency.

However, due to the nature of the products sold, they use an external (non-US) credit card processor or Bitcoin for payments. was originally known as

A popular choice among the life-science and research community for its high-quality and reliable products.

Despite the shutdown in November 2018 due to federal regulations, launched in April 2019.

And they continue to provide superior research compounds that are fully transparent and possess high purity.

In conclusion,'s return is a win for researchers and individuals interested in high-quality SARMs and other research compounds.

Their commitment to quality, transparency, and customer service makes them a reliable choice in the market.

SARMs Pricing at

Depending on the time of year, there's sometimes big sales, but they are rare. 

During December there's big sales and it's usually a few dollars off to get any product. 

But in the 2-3 years that has been in business, they keep their pricing the same. And they only grow in popularity so this tells us that they are selling well and the demand has only increased. 

There's no better price or vendor to try SARMs from as these are third party tested and comes with certification of purity for each batch.

You're definitely getting top quality SARMs from

SARM Vendors and Sources

Amino Asylum

When it comes to SARMs, Amino Asylum is a name that often pops up.

They've made a name for themselves in the SARMs community.

Amino Asylum offers a wide range of products, from SARMs to peptides and even nootropics.

They've got you covered, no matter what your fitness goals are. But, there's a catch.

There are mixed reviews about their products. Some users have had great experiences, while others have reported less than satisfactory results.

You can check out some of these experiences here and here.

In conclusion, Amino Asylum might be a hit or miss.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them. 

Behemoth Labz

Behemoth Labz is another name that's often mentioned in the SARMs community. 

They offer a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story.

Some users have reported great results, while others have been less than impressed.

You can check out some of these reviews here and here.

In conclusion, Behemoth Labz might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them.

Swiss Chems

Swiss Chems is a company that's often mentioned in the SARMs community.

They have a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story.

Some users have reported great results, while others have had less-than-ideal experiences.

You can check out some of these experiences here and here.

In conclusion, Swiss Chems might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them.


Chemyo is a well-known name in the SARMs community.

They've built a reputation for their high-quality products and excellent customer service. 

Chemyo offers a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They're known for their rigorous third-party testing, ensuring that you get exactly what you're paying for. Most users have had positive experiences with Chemyo, praising their product quality and customer service. You can check out some of these experiences here and here.

In conclusion, Chemyo is a reliable source for SARMs.

Their commitment to quality and customer service makes them a top choice for many in the SARMs community.

Sports Technology Labs

Sports Technology Labs is another name that's often mentioned in the SARMs community. 

Sports Technology Labs offers a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story. Some users have reported great results, while others have been less than impressed. You can check out some of these reviews here and here.

In conclusion, Sports Technology Labs might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them. 


Nootropicsunlimited is a company that's often mentioned in the SARMs community. But, are they worth your time and money? Let's find out.

Nootropicsunlimited offers a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements. They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story. Some users have reported great results, while others have been less than impressed. You can check out some of these reviews here and here.

In conclusion, Nootropicsunlimited might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them.

As always, do your research before making a purchase.

Pure Rawz

Pure Rawz is a company that's often mentioned in the SARMs community. 

They off a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story.

Some users have reported great results, while others have been less than impressed.

You can check out some of these reviews here and here.

In conclusion, Pure Rawz might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them. As always, do your research before making a purchase.

Spectre labs

Spectre Labs offers a wide range of SARMs and other fitness supplements.

They claim to have high-quality products, but the reviews tell a different story.

Some users have reported great results, while others have been less than impressed. You can check out some of these reviews here and here.

In conclusion, Spectre Labs might be a bit of a gamble.

While they offer a wide range of products, the mixed reviews make it hard to fully endorse them. 


Androbolics is a well-known name in the SARMs community.

They've built a reputation for their high-quality products and excellent customer service.

Androbolics offers a wide range of SARMs and as well as other fitness supplements.

They're known for their rigorous third-party testing, ensuring that you get exactly what you're paying for.

Most users have had positive experiences with Androbolics, praising their product quality and customer service.

You can check out some of these experiences here and here.

In conclusion, Androbolics is a reliable source for SARMs.

Their commitment to quality and customer service makes them a top choice for many in the SARMs community.

UK Sarms

UK Sarms is a well-known vendor in the SARMs industry.

They've built a reputation for providing high-quality products and excellent customer service.

However, like any vendor, they've had their share of criticism.

Some users have reported issues with product effectiveness, while others praise the company for its quick delivery and responsive customer service.

It's always important to do your own research and make an informed decision when choosing a SARMs vendor.

Receptor Chem

Receptor Chem is another vendor that's been in the game for a while.

They offer a wide range of products, from YK11 to ACP-105 and SR9011.

However, there have been some concerns raised about the company on Reddit.

Some users have reported that their orders remained in "processing" status for an extended period, and the company was unresponsive to emails and messages.

Where To Get SARMs in The EU?

Looking for SARMs in the EU? 

Finding a reliable source in Europe can be a challenge.

Let's take a closer look.

There are several companies selling SARMs in the EU, but not all of them are created equal.

Some have been praised for their quality and customer service, while others have been criticized for their lack of transparency and inconsistent quality.

You can check out some of these discussions here and here.

In conclusion, finding a reliable source for SARMs in the EU can be a bit of a challenge.

It's important to do your research and make sure you're buying from a reputable company.

Where to get SARMs in the US

Looking for SARMs in the US?

You're in luck.

The US has a big market for SARMs, with several reputable companies to choose from.

There are several companies selling SARMs in the US, and many of them have built a solid reputation for quality and customer service. Companies like Chemyo and Androbolics are often praised for their high-quality products and excellent customer service.

You can check out some of these discussions here and here.

In conclusion, the US is a great place to buy SARMs.

With several reputable companies to choose from, you're sure to find a product that suits your needs.

Where to get SARMs in the UK

When it comes to SARMs in the UK, two names often come up:

UK SARMs and Receptor Chem.

UK SARMs is a company that has been around for a while and has built a solid reputation.

They are known for their quality products and excellent customer service.

Many users have reported positive experiences with them, praising their reliability and the effectiveness of their products.

You can check out some of the reviews here and here.

Receptor Chem, on the other hand, is another popular choice among SARMs users in the UK.

They offer a wide range of products, all of which are tested for purity and quality.

Users have reported good experiences with Receptor Chem, noting the effectiveness of their products and their professional customer service.

You can read more about them here and here.

In conclusion, both UK SARMs and Receptor Chem are reputable sources for SARMs in the UK.

As always, it's important to do your own research and make an informed decision when choosing a SARMs supplier.

Where to get SARMs in Canada

Looking for SARMs in Canada?

Canada has a market for SARMs, but finding a reliable source can be a challenge.

Let's take a closer look.

There are several companies selling SARMs in Canada, but not all of them are created equal.

Some have been praised for their quality and customer service, while others have been criticized for their lack of transparency and inconsistent quality.


What are SARMs?

SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are a type of therapeutic compound that have similar properties to anabolic agents, but with reduced androgenic properties. This allows them to target androgen receptors in different tissues selectively.

What are the benefits of SARMs?

SARMs are known to help with building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, improving bone density, and enhancing athletic performance.

Are SARMs safe to use?

While SARMs are generally considered safer than anabolic steroids, they still carry potential risks and side effects. It's important to use them responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Are SARMs legal?

The legality of SARMs varies by country. In the United States, for example, SARMs are legal to buy for research purposes but are not approved by the FDA for medical use.

How are SARMs taken?

SARMs are typically taken orally, but they can also be injected. The method of administration can depend on the specific SARM and the user's goals.

Do SARMs have side effects?

Yes, SARMs can have side effects, including acne, hair loss, mood changes, and potential liver damage. It's important to monitor your health closely while using SARMs.

Do I need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after using SARMs?

Yes, a PCT is typically recommended after a cycle of SARMs to help your body recover and restore its natural hormone levels.

Can women use SARMs?

Yes, women can use SARMs, but they should use a lower dosage than men to avoid potential side effects like virilization.

Can SARMs be detected in drug tests?

Yes, some SARMs can be detected in drug tests, especially in competitive sports. If you're an athlete subject to drug testing, it's important to be aware of this.

Where can I buy SARMs?

There are many online vendors selling SARMs, but it's crucial to buy from a reputable source to ensure the quality and authenticity of the product.

What is the best SARM for bulking?

Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and Testolone (RAD-140) are often considered the best SARMs for bulking due to their potent anabolic effects.

What is the best SARM for cutting?

Ostarine (MK-2866) and Andarine (S4) are typically recommended for cutting phases due to their ability to prevent muscle wasting while promoting fat loss.

Can SARMs cause gynecomastia (man boobs)?

While SARMs have fewer side effects than anabolic steroids, they can still potentially lead to hormonal imbalances, which may cause gynecomastia in some users.

How long does it take for SARMs to work?

The effects of SARMs can usually be noticed within a few weeks of starting a cycle, but this can vary depending on the specific SARM and the individual's body.

Can SARMs help with weight loss?

While SARMs are primarily known for their muscle-building effects, they can also promote fat loss by increasing lean muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and calorie burning.

Are SARMs better than steroids?

SARMs are often considered a safer alternative to steroids due to their selective action, which can result in fewer side effects. However, they are not without risks and should be used responsibly.

Can SARMs cause hair loss?

Some users have reported hair loss while using certain SARMs, but this is typically related to dosage and individual sensitivity.

Do SARMs affect testosterone levels?

Yes, SARMs can suppress natural testosterone production, which is why post-cycle therapy (PCT) is often recommended after a SARMs cycle.

Can SARMs help with recovery?

Yes, some SARMs like Ostarine (MK-2866) and Ibutamoren (MK-677) are known to enhance recovery by improving muscle regeneration and promoting sleep.

Can SARMs be stacked?

Yes, different SARMs can be combined or "stacked" to enhance results. However, this should be done with caution as it can increase the risk of side effects.

Bottom Line

SARMs show potential in the world of bodybuilding.

They offer the promise of muscle gain and fat loss, without the harsh side effects of traditional steroids.

But remember, they're not magic pills.

Success with SARMs requires a solid workout plan, a balanced diet, and responsible use.

Always do your research and consult with a healthcare professional before starting a cycle.

And when it comes to sourcing SARMs, quality is key.

Choose your supplier carefully, and don't be afraid to ask for lab reports.

With the right approach, SARMs can be a powerful tool in your fitness journey.

But like any tool, they're most effective when used wisely and responsibly.

That's the ultimate guide to SARMs. Now, it's over to you.

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