Does Pre-Workout Have Protein?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated August 3, 2023

If you've ever set foot in a gym or spent time in the fitness world, you've likely heard of pre-workout supplements.

These powerful concoctions boost your energy, enhance your performance, and maximize your gains.

But one question that often comes up is, does pre-workout have protein?

In this article, we'll explore the world of pre-workout supplements, their ingredients, and their role in your fitness journey.

Does Pre-Workout Have Protein: Quick Answer

Typically, pre-workout supplements do not contain protein.

They are primarily designed to enhance workout performance, while protein supplements are usually consumed post-workout for muscle recovery and growth.

What Is Pre-Workout?

Pre-workout is a dietary supplement athletes and fitness enthusiasts use to enhance physical performance, increase energy, improve focus, and reduce fatigue.

These supplements are typically consumed before exercise and come in various forms, including powders, pills, and drinks.

The goal of a pre-workout is to provide your body with a boost of energy and nutrients to help you get the most out of your workout.

Common Ingredients In Pre-Workout Supplements

Pre-workout supplements contain a variety of ingredients designed to improve different aspects of performance.

Some of the most common ingredients include caffeine for energy and focus, beta-alanine for endurance, and creatine for strength and power.

Other ingredients may include amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health and recovery.

The Role Of Protein In Muscle Building

Protein is a crucial nutrient for muscle building.

It provides the amino acids your body uses to repair and rebuild muscle tissue after a workout. Consuming protein after exercise can help enhance muscle recovery and promote muscle growth.

This is why many athletes and fitness enthusiasts consume a protein shake or a meal high in protein after their workouts.

Does Pre-Workout Have Protein?

Now, to the main question: does pre-workout have protein?

The answer is typically no. Most pre-workout supplements do not contain protein.

They are designed to boost energy and performance during your workout, not to provide the nutrients needed for recovery and growth afterward.

That's where protein supplements, like protein powders and bars, come in.

Pre-Workout vs. Protein Powder

While pre-workout supplements and protein powders can play a role in your fitness routine, they serve different purposes.

Pre-workout is all about enhancing your performance during your workout.

It's designed to give you the energy, focus, and endurance to push through even the toughest training sessions.

On the other hand, protein powder is all about recovery and growth.

Consuming protein after your workout builds your body to repair and grow your muscles.

So, while pre-workout boosts your workout, protein powder helps you recover and see results from that workout.

Read more about pre-workouts vs protein here.

The Ideal Time To Take Pre-Workout And Protein

The timing of taking these supplements can also affect their effectiveness.

Pre-workout should be taken shortly before your workout, typically 20-30 minutes prior, to allow the ingredients to start working.

Conversely, protein should be consumed after your workout to give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover and grow.

Benefits Of Combining Pre-Workout And Protein

While pre-workout supplements and protein powders serve different purposes, using them together can be beneficial.

Taking pre-workout can help you maximize your performance during your workout, allowing you to push harder and get more out of each session.

Following up with protein after your workout can support recovery and muscle growth, helping you see results faster.

Risks And Considerations

As with any supplement, using pre-workout and protein powders responsibly is important.

Some pre-workout supplements can cause side effects like jitteriness or upset stomach, especially if taken in large amounts.

Protein powders are generally safe for most people, but they can cause digestive issues in some cases.

Before starting any new supplement regimen, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist.

How To Choose A Pre-Workout Supplement

When choosing a pre-workout supplement, look for one with ingredients backed by research, like caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine.

Avoid supplements with proprietary blends, where you can't see the exact amounts of each ingredient.

And remember, more isn't always better.

Stick to the recommended doses to avoid potential side effects.

How To Choose A Pre-Workout Supplement

When choosing a pre-workout supplement, look for one with ingredients backed by research, like caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine.

Avoid supplements with proprietary blends, where you can't see the exact amounts of each ingredient. And remember, more isn't always better.

Stick to the recommended doses to avoid potential side effects.

How To Choose A Protein Supplement

When it comes to protein powders, look for one that contains a high-quality source of protein, like whey or casein.

Avoid powders with lots of added sugars or artificial ingredients.

And remember, while protein supplements can be a convenient way to increase your protein intake, they should not replace whole foods.

Aim to get most of your protein from nutrient-rich food sources like lean meats, dairy, eggs, and legumes.

Consider Your Dietary Needs And Preferences

Firstly, it's important to consider your dietary needs and preferences.

For instance, if you have a sensitive stomach, you might opt for a protein supplement that's easy to digest and doesn't cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Certain protein supplements are specifically designed to be gentle on the stomach, making them a great choice for those with sensitive digestive systems.

Look At The Type Of Protein

Next, consider the type of protein used in the supplement.

Whey protein is one of the most common types of protein found in supplements due to its high biological value and rich amino acid profile. However, not all whey proteins are created equal.

For instance, grass-fed whey protein, like the one offered by Transparent Labs, is sourced from grass-fed cows, making it a cleaner and more ethically sourced option.

Check The Ingredients

Also, pay attention to the ingredients list.

A good protein supplement should have minimal added sugars and artificial ingredients.

If you prefer a more natural product, look for protein powders with natural sweeteners and flavors.

For example, Transparent Labs offers a variety of flavors in their whey isolate line, all of which are naturally sweetened.

Consider The Mixability

The mixability of the protein powder is another factor to consider.

A protein powder that mixes well will be easier to incorporate into shakes, smoothies, or even just water or milk.

Some protein powders, like clear whey protein, are designed to mix easily and leave no residue, making them a convenient option.

Think About When You'll Be Taking It

Finally, think about when you'll be taking your protein supplement.

If you plan to take it around your workouts, you might want to consider how it will fit with your pre-workout supplement.

While taking protein post-workout for recovery is generally recommended, some people prefer to take it before or even during their workout.

If this is the case, you'll want to ensure your protein and pre-workout can be taken together without causing any adverse effects.

Remember, the best protein supplement for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.

A Deeper Dive Into Common Ingredients In Pre-Workout Supplements

Pre-workout supplements are a cocktail of various ingredients, each serving a unique purpose to help you maximize your workout.

Let's look at some of the most common ingredients in your pre-workout supplement.


Caffeine is a staple in many pre-workout supplements due to its well-known stimulant effects.

It works by blocking the neurotransmitters in your brain that signal fatigue, effectively tricking your body into feeling more alert and less tired.

This can improve focus, increased endurance, and even enhanced power output during your workout.

However, it's important to note that caffeine can affect everyone differently, and too much can lead to side effects like jitteriness, increased heart rate, and trouble sleeping.


Beta-Alanine is an amino acid that helps produce carnosine, a molecule that helps buffer acid in muscles during high-intensity exercise.

This buffering capacity can help delay the onset of muscle fatigue, allowing you to push harder and longer during your workout.

One side effect of beta-alanine is a tingling sensation on the skin, which is harmless and usually subsides after an hour.


Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplements in the fitness world.

It's a molecule produced in your body and plays a crucial role in producing energy during high-intensity exercise.

Supplementing with creatine can increase your body's stored creatine, improving strength, power output, and muscle size.

It's worth noting that while some pre-workouts include creatine, it's not necessary to take it immediately before your workout for it to be effective.


Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

They're called "essential" because your body can't produce them independently, so you need to get them from your diet.

BCAAs can help promote muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle damage and soreness after your workout.

Nitric Oxide Precursors

Nitric oxide precursors, like L-arginine and L-citrulline, are often included in pre-workout supplements for their ability to increase blood flow.

They do this by boosting the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that relaxes your blood vessels, allowing for increased blood flow to your muscles during exercise.

This can lead to better nutrient delivery, improved performance, and a satisfying "pump" feeling during your workout.

Remember, while these ingredients can enhance your workout performance, they're not magic bullets.

A well-rounded fitness routine, a balanced diet, and adequate rest are just as, if not more, important for reaching your fitness goals.

Pre-Workouts And Protein: An Uncommon Pair

While it's not the norm, there are instances where pre-workout supplements may contain protein.

One such form of protein that might be included is protein hydrolysate.

Protein hydrolysate is a highly digestible form of protein that has been broken down into smaller pieces, or peptides, allowing it to be absorbed more quickly by your body.

This rapid absorption can be beneficial for delivering amino acids to your muscles quickly, potentially aiding in recovery and muscle growth.

However, it's important to note that including protein, specifically protein hydrolysate, in pre-workout supplements is not as common as it once was.

One example of a pre-workout supplement that did include a significant amount of protein is NO Shotgun by VPX.

This product contained 20 grams of protein per serving, making it more of a hybrid pre-workout and protein supplement.

The decline in protein-inclusive pre-workouts could be due to the shift in the understanding of nutrient timing and the specific roles of pre-workout and protein supplements.

Pre-workout supplements are primarily designed to boost energy and performance during your workout, while protein supplements are typically used post-workout to aid in recovery and muscle growth.

While having a pre-workout with protein isn't necessarily bad, it's not essential for most people.

Most individuals can meet their protein needs through whole foods and a separate protein supplement consumed at a different time.

As always, choosing supplements that align with your specific fitness goals, dietary needs, and personal preferences is important.


Does pre-workout have protein?

No, most pre-workout supplements do not contain protein. They are primarily designed to enhance workout performance.

What is the main purpose of a pre-workout supplement?

The main purpose of a pre-workout supplement is to increase energy, improve focus, and enhance endurance during workouts.

Can I take pre-workout and protein powder at the same time?

While taking both simultaneously is not harmful, it's generally more effective to take pre-workout before your workout and protein powder after.

Are there any side effects of pre-workout supplements?

Some people may experience side effects like jitteriness, upset stomach, or trouble sleeping from the caffeine in pre-workout supplements.

How much protein do I need after a workout?

The amount of protein needed after a workout can vary depending on your weight, goals, and intensity. A common recommendation is 20-30 grams of protein after a workout.

Bottom Line

While pre-workout supplements can give you a boost during your workout, they typically do not contain protein.

You'll want to consume protein after your workout for muscle recovery and growth.

By understanding the role of these supplements and using them correctly, you can maximize your performance, recovery, and results.

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