How Many People Has DMAA Killed?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 21, 2023

1,3-Dimethylamylamine, also known as DMAA, is a stimulant traditionally used for nasal decongestion, which has gained popularity in recent years as an ingredient in dietary supplements.

The substance is known for its powerful effects on energy levels and focus, making it a common component in pre-workout formulas and weight loss supplements.

However, DMAA has been controversial due to concerns about its safety.

How Many People Has DMAA Killed: Quick Answer

While the exact number is unknown, several reported deaths have been linked to the use of DMAA, often in conjunction with other stimulants or in individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Due to its potential risks, the FDA has removed dietary DMAA supplements from the market, although it's still available today.

Reported Deaths Linked To DMAA

The safety of DMAA came under scrutiny when several adverse events, including deaths, were reported in association with its use.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received multiple reports of illnesses and deaths related to DMAA supplements, most commonly heart problems and nervous system or psychiatric disorders.

The FDA issued warnings about DMAA and has worked to remove dietary supplements containing the substance from the market.

Case 1: Death Of A Soldier

In 2011, the death of a soldier was reported following a cardiac arrest during physical training.

The soldier had taken a dietary supplement containing DMAA before the training.

The autopsy revealed that the soldier had an enlarged heart, which could have contributed to the cardiac arrest.

However, the medical examiner could not conclusively determine whether DMAA was directly responsible for the soldier's death.

The case raised concerns about the safety of DMAA, leading the U.S. military to ban supplements containing the substance from stores on military bases.

Case 2: Death Of A Marathon Runner

In 2012, a 30-year-old woman collapsed during the London Marathon and later died in the hospital.

She had taken a supplement containing DMAA before the race.

The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was heart failure, and DMAA was listed as a possible contributing factor.

However, whether DMAA directly caused the woman's death was not definitively established.

Case 3: Death Of A Bodybuilder

In 2013, a bodybuilder reportedly died from a heart attack after taking a pre-workout supplement containing DMAA.

The medical examiner found that the bodybuilder had an undiagnosed heart condition, which DMAA could have exacerbated.

However, as in the previous cases, whether DMAA was directly responsible for the bodybuilder's death was not definitively established.

DMAA was associated with the deaths in all three cases, but a direct causal link was not definitively established.

Other factors, such as pre-existing health conditions and physical exertion, may have also contributed to the deaths.

However, these cases highlight the potential risks associated with DMAA, particularly when combined with intense physical activity.

Studies On DMAA And Its Effects

Numerous studies have examined the effects and potential risks of DMAA.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology reported that DMAA could increase heart rate and blood pressure, leading to serious cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke.

Another study in the Archives of Toxicology found that DMAA could have toxic effects on the liver.

Side Effects Of DMAA

DMAA, also known as 1,3-dimethylamylamine, methylhexanamine, or geranium extract, is a stimulant once an ingredient in various pre-workout supplements and diet pills.

However, it's important to note that DMAA is not without its potential side effects.

Read more about the side effects and benefits of DMAA here.

Common Side Effects

The most common side effects of DMAA are similar to those of other stimulants and include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling of chest tightness

These side effects can be more pronounced in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions.

Severe Side Effects

In some cases, DMAA can cause more severe side effects. These can include:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Seizures
  • Liver damage or liver failure

These severe side effects are more likely if DMAA is taken in high doses or combined with other stimulants.

Reported Deaths Linked To DMAA

There have been several reported deaths linked to the use of DMAA.

In these cases, individuals experienced severe side effects such as heart attack or stroke after taking DMAA.

However, it's important to note that in many of these cases, the individuals also used other stimulants or had pre-existing health conditions, which could have contributed to their adverse reactions.

Safety Of DMAA

The safety of DMAA has been a topic of debate.

The FDA has issued warnings about the potential risks of DMAA and has stated that it is not a dietary supplement ingredient.

The agency has also removed dietary supplements containing DMAA from the market.

Despite these warnings, some individuals continue to use DMAA due to its potent stimulant effects.

However, due to the potential for serious side effects and the lack of research on its long-term effects, DMAA is generally considered unsafe.

Safe Dosages Of DMAA

Determining a safe dosage of DMAA is difficult due to the lack of scientific research on this substance.

However, some sources suggest that some individuals may use 25-75 mg daily.

It's important to note that this dosage range is not endorsed by any regulatory authority, and the safety of these dosages has not been confirmed through scientific research.

Given the potential risks associated with DMAA use, it is recommended to avoid this substance altogether.

If you choose to use DMAA, it is crucial to do so under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Read: How Much DMAA is Safe?

Legal And Regulatory Actions

In response to the growing concerns about the safety of DMAA, regulatory bodies worldwide have taken action.

The FDA has issued warnings about the risks of DMAA and has made efforts to remove supplements containing the substance from the market.

Similarly, the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has ruled that DMAA products are unlicensed medicines that should be removed from sale.

Recommended: Is DMAA Legal?


What is DMAA?

DMAA, also known as 1,3-dimethylamylamine, methylhexanamine, or geranium extract, is a stimulant that was once an ingredient in various pre-workout supplements and diet pills.

What are the common side effects of DMAA?

The most common side effects of DMAA are similar to those of other stimulants and include increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and feeling of chest tightness.

What are the severe side effects of DMAA?

In some cases, DMAA can cause more severe side effects such as heart attack, stroke, seizures, liver damage, or liver failure.

How many deaths have been linked to DMAA?

While the exact number is unknown, several reported deaths have been linked to the use of DMAA.

Is DMAA safe to use?

The safety of DMAA has been a topic of debate. The FDA has issued warnings about the potential risks of DMAA and has stated that it is not a dietary supplement ingredient.

What is a safe dosage of DMAA?

Determining a safe dosage of DMAA is difficult due to the lack of scientific research on this substance. However, some sources suggest that some individuals may use 25-75 mg daily.

Can DMAA be used in combination with other stimulants?

It is generally not recommended to use DMAA in combination with other stimulants due to the increased risk of severe side effects.

Are there any legal restrictions on the use of DMAA?

The FDA has taken action to remove dietary supplements containing DMAA from the market due to its potential risks.

What are the long-term effects of DMAA use?

The long-term effects of DMAA use are not well-studied, but it is known that the substance can cause severe side effects such as heart attack, stroke, and liver damage or liver failure.

What should I do if I experience side effects from DMAA?

If you experience side effects from DMAA, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention.


In conclusion, while DMAA is known for its potent stimulant effects, it has been linked to serious health risks, including death.

Numerous studies have highlighted its potential to cause harm, and regulatory bodies worldwide have taken action to limit its availability.

As such, it is crucial for consumers to be aware of the potential risks associated with DMAA and to exercise caution when considering its use.

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