Push Pull Legs For Hardgainers Routine: 3-6 Day Workout Split

by Nader Qudimat
Updated June 11, 2023
Experience Level
Beginner, intermediate
Customizable program
Great way to make progress fast

Bottom Line

The push pull program is a great way to start off as a beginner. 

It focuses categorizes workouts by exercises. 

One day will be push, another pull, and then legs. 

This allows you to focus on compound lifts while making the most out of your strength and hypertrophy.


Attention All Hardgainers Looking To Add Mass!

If you're a skinny guy who's new to the weight room and wants to add slabs of high-quality muscle mass, then this article is for you.

Weightlifting is an incredible activity for build both the body and mind.

Unfortunately, those who have trouble gaining weight may only experience the latter.

(See the 30+ best bodybuilding program here)

Here at FitFrek, we understand the frustration that comes with cramming your face with food and hitting the weight room only to see scale not budge.

Thankfully, there's a cure.

The approach is not groundbreaking nor will it turn you in to a mass monster overnight, but it will add significant amounts of quality lean mass if you're consistent, eat like a horse, and strive for progression.

This is what we mean what we say eat like a horse...

This article outlines an ideal warm-up for your weight training days, provides two sample routines following a push/pull/legs split, and offers several exercise swaps in case you don't have the physical ability to or equipment for some of the exercises written in the sample routines.

The Proper Warm-Up

Performing shoulder dislocations with bands help with mobility and it's a great way to get warmed up.

A poorly designed warm-up is almost as useless as no warm-up at all.

A proper warm-up can be the difference between setting a personal best in the gym and getting injured.

Your warm-up should accomplish the following three goals:

    • Increase your core body temperature and elevate your heart rate
    • Prime your central nervous system for high intensity physical activity
    • Activate the focus groups you plan to focus on during your workout.
You should NOT perform the same warm-up at the beginning of every workout.

Why spend 15 minutes warming up your lower body on push day?

A warm-up should focus on the muscle groups you plan to train that day as well as address any pain points.

The template below breaks down the warm-up in to three distinct pieces – cardiovascular activity, dynamic stretching, and central nervous system activation.

Sometimes a pre workout will help you warm up much quicker. Take a look at PreSeries Bulk, one of our favorite pre workouts (use coupon code FITFREK for savings!).

Moderate Intensity Cardiovascular Activity

After setting my mindset and choosing my music playlist for the workout, I perform 5 to 10 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular activity.

My all-time favorite movement is jump rope because it's not only a full body warm-up that helps to develop the stubborn calf muscles and requires virtually no space, but it also increases coordination.

Prior to an upper body-focused workout, I perform movements engaging the arms and back like the rowing machine and elliptical trainer.

Row like Arnold, and you become like Arnold... Maybe...

On lower body days, I stick to incline walking on a treadmill or spinning on a stationary bike.

The goal of this activity is to increase your core body temperature and heart rate as well as lubricate your joints.

Dynamic Stretching

Bending down and touching your toes is NOT acceptable during the dynamic stretching portion of your warm-up.u200b

During this portion, you should be performing movements that lengthen and loosen the target muscle groups.

For example, on my upper body days I may perform arm swings and shoulder circles.

On lower body days, I incorporate forward to backward and left to right leg swings as well as lunges with an upper body twist.

Perform each movement for two to three sets of 10 reps per arm, leg, or shoulder.

Central Nervous System Activation

Think explosive exercises.

At this point you've increased your heart rate and worked out some of the kinks from sitting at work or in class all day.

It's time to prime our nervous system so that the proper muscles are contracting when we need them.

On upper body days, I incorporate three sets of five explosive repetitions using exercises like clap or plyometric push ups and med ball slams from overhead.

On lower body days, I stick with box jumps, kettlebell swings, and jump lunges.

After completing this portion of the warm-up your body should be at peak performance and primed for gains.u200b

The Routine

The routine below offers a no-nonsense approach to building strength and quality lean mass using basic yet brutally effective exercises and techniques.

If you're completely new to the weight room then perform Push Workout A, Pull Workout A, and Legs Workout A on three nonconsecutive days during the week.

For example, Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday.

Week 1PushOffPullOffLegsOffOff
Week 2PushOffPullOffLegsOffOff
Week 3PushOffPullOffLegsOffOff
Week 4PushOffPullOffLegsOffOff
Week 5PushOffPullOffLegsOffOff

Once you're comfortable with the A workouts you can begin alternating with B workouts every other week (e.g. A workouts on Week 1, B workouts on Week 2, A workouts on Week 3).

Week 1Push AOffPull AOffLegs AOffOff
Week 2Push BOffPull BOffLegs BOffOff
Week 3Push AOffPull AOffLegs AOffOff
Week 4Push BOffPull BOffLegs BOffOff
Week 5Push AOffPull AOffLegs AOffOff

You can also perform both A and B workouts in the same week (e.g. Push A, Pull B, Legs A).

Once you've mastered all six workouts and have been training for about six months you can begin increasing the number of workouts to four, five, or even six times per week.

Nader's thoughts:

Now, what Nick suggested here was a fairly convenient schedule for most of you.

But if you are determined and have the flexibility with scheduling, then I recommend trying this "rotating" push pull legs:

Week 1Push APull AOffLegs AOffPush BPull B
Week 2OffLegs BOffPush APull AOffLegs A
Week 3Push APull AOffLegs AOffPush BPull B
Week 4OffLegs BOffPush APull AOffLegs A
Week 5Push APull AOffLegs AOffPush BPull B

It does not matter which workout you do, but I put A/B in case you need something to start with.

You can even switch around the types of workout (push pull and legs) to anything you prefer.

This can be used by any level of trainee...

Listen to your body here and dial back the weight used or volume if you begin to feel beat up.

Eventually you'll have the work capacity perform A and B workouts all within the same week!

You'll notice that this routine is higher volume than many other beginner programs.

Start slow, program conservatively, ease in to the volume, and EAT BIG.

You're not going to gain the mass you want until you're eating 500 to 1,000 extra calories per day ABOVE your daily calorie needs.

If you feel like you're eating like a horse but can't seem to add mass, then keep food journal and weigh your portions for a week.

Chances are you're overestimating your caloric intake.

It's time to get cooking...

Some of my favorite tricks to increase my calorie consumption include fatty cuts of beef, weight gainer shakes, and tablespoons of peanut butter.

One of my favorite techniques is the AMRAP set which stands for ‘As Many Repetitions as Possible'.

Don't go to complete failure where you fall flat on your face or risk injury.

Push yourself to the point where you performed all reps using good form and attempting one more rep would lead to form breakdown.

Push Workout A

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Barbell Bench Press310,8,u200b5120-150sFocus on pulling the bar apart.
Seated Dumbell Overhead Press310,8,u200b660-75sDumbbells should come down to ear level or lower.
Close Grip Bench Press312,10,u200b860-75sKeep your elbows tucked throughout the movement.
Seated Dumbell Lateral Raise325,20,u200b1545-60sGo slow and hold at the top for one second before lowering.
Seated Chest Fly Machine32045-60sKeep your elbows in-line with your wrists and shoulders.
Seated EZ-Bar Overhead Tricep Extension31u200b5,12,1u200b045-60sKeep your elbows tucked throughout the movement.
Push-ups3AMRAP60sChest should almost but not quite touch the ground at the bottom of each rep.

Pull Workout A

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Barbell Deadlift36120-150sFlex your lats and use mixed grip or straps on your heaviest sets.
Lat Pulldown310,12,1560-75sRetract your shoulder blades and hold the bottom for at least one second.
Chest Supported Low Incline Dumbbell Row31260-75sPerform one hand at a time or alternating.
Dumbbell Reverse Flies31545-60sSqueeze your shoulder blades together at the top as hard as possible for at least one second.
Trap Bar Shrug31245-60sStrap up and hold at the top for one to three seconds.
Barbell Curl11045-60sStart light and perform all 10 reps without setting down the barbell. Progress by hit more than 10 reps or increasing weight while decreasing reps.
Dumbbell Farmer's Walks340 to 50 yards60sTake small steps and keep your chest up.

Leg Workout A

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Barbell Back Squat35,8,10120-150sEnsure your knees remain in-line with your toes throughout the entire movement.
Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift38,10,1260-75sUse straps and descend only until you feel a nice stretch in the hamstrings.
Single Leg Press312-15 per leg60-75sPerform all repetitions with one leg before moving to the next leg.
Lying Leg Curls31545-60sWhen you can perform more than 15 reps per set then hold a weight plate behind your head.
Seated Leg Extensions11545-60sStart light and perform all 15 reps without allowing the weight stack to rest at the bottom. Progress by increasing weight and decreasing reps.
Standing Calf Raise315 u200b45-60sHold the top position for one to three seconds.
Decline Sit-up3AMRAP60sWhen you can perform more than 15 reps per set then hold a weight plate behind your head.

Push Workout B

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Standing Barbell Overhead Press36,8,10120-150sBrace your abdominals throughout the movement and use a false grip (thumbs on the same sides as your fingers) if you experience wrist pain.
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press310-1260-75sAllow the weights to descend slowly and press up and inwards explosively.
Parallel Bar Dips3AMRAP60-75sPerform only the lowering (negative) portion if you are unable to complete more than 5+ full repetitions.
Cable Chest Press31245-60sHold the bottom stretched position and top flexed position for one second.
Standing Cable Lateral Raises312, 15, 2045-60sPerform one arm at a time or both simultaneously depending on equipment availability.
Kneeling Rope Tricep Pushdowns31045-60sPerform one arm at a time or both simultaneously depending on equipment availability.
Kneeling Landmine Press31560sPlace a barbell in the corner of a room and add 10 to 25 lbs on the end facing you. Kneel and grasp the barbell in the palm of your hands so that it's slightly above your chest and press upwards.

Pull Workout B

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Trap Bar Deadlift36120-150sThis movement incorporates more quadriceps and places less stress on the lower back.
Barbell Overhand Row310,12,1560-75sUse straps and pull the bar towards your lower chest.
Pull-ups31260-75sPerform only the lowering (negative) portion if you are unable to complete more than 5+ full repetitions.
Reverse Fly Machine31545-60sHold the bottom stretched position and top flexed position for one second.
Chest Supported Incline Shrugs31245-60sPerform one arm at a time or both simultaneously depending on equipment availability.
Dumbbell Incline Curls31245-60sPerform one arm at a time or both simultaneously depending on equipment availability.
Barbell Static Holds3160sPlace a barbell in the corner of a room and add 10 to 25 lbs on the end facing you. Kneel and grasp the barbell in the palm of your hands so that it's slightly above your chest and press upwards.

Leg Workout B

ExerciseSetsRepsRest PerioNotes
Barbell Front Squat36120-150sTake an Olympic clean grip to improve wrist flexibility.
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift31260-75sUse straps and descend only until you feel a nice stretch in the hamstrings
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges312-15 per leg60-75sEnsure your torso and chest stay upright throughout the movement. The wider the step the more the glutes are emphasized over the quadriceps.
Seated Single-Leg Leg Extensions32045-60sPerform all repetitions with one leg before moving to the next leg.
Kettlebell Swings12045-60sStart light and perform all 20 reps without allowing the weight stack to rest at the bottom. Progress by increasing weight and decreasing reps.
Seated Calf Raise31u200b545-60sHold the top position for one to three seconds.
Rope Cable Crunches32060sBreathe out prior to performing each rep to improve abdominal muscle contraction.

Exercise Swaps

Are you physically unable to perform some of the exercises above due to pain or injury?

Does your gym not have the proper equipment?

Not a problem!

Below is a list of acceptable exercise swaps for the machine-based exercises:

Single Leg PressForward or reverse barbell, dumbbell, or Smith Machine lunges.
Chest Fly MachineFlat or incline dumbbell flies or neutral grip dumbbell press.
Single Leg PressForward or reverse barbell, dumbbell, or Smith Machine lunges.
Lat PulldownDumbbell pullovers or pull-up negative reps (lowering only).
Trap Bar ShrugDumbbell shrug, barbell shrug, or high pulls.
Lying Leg CurlsHamstring curls with feet on an exercise ball or barbell Romanian deadlifts (slight knee bend).
Seated Leg ExtensionsNarrow stance squat, single leg (pistol) squat, or step ups.
Cable Chest PressNeutral grip dumbbell press, dips with a forward lean to emphasis the chest.
Cable Lateral RaiseDumbbell lateral raise or dumbbell/barbell upright rows.
Rope PushdownsDiamond pushups, reverse grip bench press, or dumbbell overhead triceps extension.
Reverse Fly MachineBand pull aparts, chest supported dumbbell reverse flies, or wide grip barbell rows to the clavicles.

Right click, save as, and download the excel sheet for this program….

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on the routine please let me know in the comments below!

Check out the natural anabolic compound called Laxogenin if you're looking for a natural edge without resorting to steroids or prohormones.

If you need some motivation or ideas for full workouts, check out the videos below…

Exercise Swaps

Looking for more programs?

Check these out:

If you have any questions, please comment below or email me or message me on Instagram (nadergains). 

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