The Armstrong Pull Up was created by Major Charles Lewis Armstrong.
He has contributed number of things in the field of fitness but most notably, he's set the world record for the most pull ups in a 5 hour session.
He did 1435 pull ups in 5 hours.
This program was designed by him to help beginners get a better score on the military fitness test (USMC PFT) to help people achieve 20 reps on the pull ups.
And this program was what he used to help him achieve the world record for the most pull ups in a 5 hour period.
Make sure you make a copy of the spreadsheet. For how to save spreadsheet instructions on mobile, click here, or desktop, here.
The Armstrong Pull Up program has one goal in mind.
It's designed to help improve one's pull up strength.
Whether you're a bodybuilder, an athlete or someone doing the military test, you'll likely find this program useful.
The routine itself is fairly straightforward, you'll find it listed below…
The Armstrong program is the most commonly used to improve pull up strength.
If you're only able to do 2-3 pull ups now, you should be able to perform 20 easily after completing this program.
Stick to this program for at least 6-8 weeks and you should get the best results.
Charles Armstrong recommends starting the morning with 3 sets of max effort push ups which can be completed within 30 minutes.
This will help improve your pull ups because you'll need to have balance between the pull ups and push ups.
Here's how the program looks:
Note: if you want to combine this program with another program, you can, but you should leave out pull ups while keeping it in the Armstrong program.
You can get the spreadsheet from here:
This is a 5 day program that can be done starting from any day of the week.
Here are the terms used in the program:
While this is a pull up only program ,it's a good idea to take 5-10 minutes to walk until you feel warm.
Once you do that, perform a few light sets of the muscles you're about to workout.
You should do at least 3-4 warm up sets before your actual workout, and then follow the program's workouts.
You can do 1-2 warm up sets before a specific exercise.
The Armstrong Program is a pull up only program made by a highly respected lieutenant colonel, Charles Armstrong.
He made this program to help beginners improve their pull ups, and to help himself set a world record for 1435 pull ups in a 5 hour period.
This program is perfect for beginners or those who want to improve their pull up strength.
Charles Armstrong designed and used this program to help set a world record for pull ups in a 5 hour period.
It's a program that's made to be run with for 6-8 weeks at a time.
The Armstrong Pull Up program is the perfect pull up program for beginners.
If you struggle to perform 2-3 reps then you should be able to do 20 easily by the end of this program.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave one below or contact me here.
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