APS Mesomorph: The Once Powerful DMAA Pre Workout Has Been Reformulated

by Nader Qudimat
Updated November 2, 2021
Release Date
Serving Size
1/2 scoop
Easy To Find
Mixture of fast and slow stimulants
5 nitric oxide boosters (increases pumps from different 'angles')
2 new stimulants that is just as strong or possibly stronger than DMAA
3.2g of beta alanine and mix of performance boosting ingredients
Some disclosed ingredients
True 1 scooper
Proprietary blends
Strong artifical flavors

Bottom Line

DMAA has once again been removed from this amazing pre workout but APS Nutrition and Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has created yet another amazing formula that is possibly even stronger than the DMAA version.

It is packed with 3.2g beta alanine and other ergogenic aids that will help increase mental and physical performance.

Mesomorph has a nice formula that comes in 10 different flavors to keep your taste buds satisfied. 

Pre workouts are more than just caffeine, they are a collection of ingredients that have a unique purpose behind them.

Every once in a while there comes a stimulant, much better and more powerful than caffeine (see the top 10 strongest pre workouts), like DMAA, or 1,3 dimethylamylamine.

Except this time DMAA has been removed and 2 stimulants has taken its place.

It is possibly even comparable to 30mg synephrine!

Some of you may be sad to see DMAA removed, but like all stimulants, you mustn't be so quick to judge on the reformulation of Mesomorph.

Mesomorph is not only a concentrated pre workout with lots of energy to offer, but it also has creatine nitrate (nitric oxide supplements with the top 10), 3.2g beta alanine, citrulline malate, agmatine, creationol-o-phosphate, and much more.

This is a pre workout that seems to be made for people who love hard hitting energy but also want ergogenic ingrediets for maximum performance (and pumps).

So while Hi-Tech is always trying to fight with the consumers and try to get DMAA back in pre workouts, they're always ready to reformulate with the intention to have the best pre workout on the market!

(check out our pre workout reviews).

If you really want something comparable to DMAA but affordable, go for DMHA, which is considered to be the "lite" version and will provide plenty of long lasting energy without any crash.

There are some affordable DMAA based pre workouts found here.

Mesomorph Ingredients

Proprietary blends suck.

But like most concentrated pre workouts (from 10 years ago!), blends like this are not hard to find.

Instead of DMAA, you're getting 2 solid stimulants here that are suppose to be even better and more powerful.

There's 3 blends in total, with the first being for nitric oxide, second for even more pumps, and the third for energy and focus.

On paper it looks great and all but being in proprietary blends is hard to tell what you're actually getting.

With a little over 10 grams in nitric oxide boosters, there most definitely will be some strong pumps going.

Synthenox-Carnosine/Nitric Oxide Complex

This Blend Consist Of:

  • Beta-Alanine
  • L-Citrulline DL-Malate
  • Arginine AKG

This blend is suppose to help boost endurance and pumps.

Beta alanine and citrulline are both partners in crime when it comes to boosting endurance.

They both help fight fatigue and help you sustain intensity longer than normal.

Arginine AKG might seem kinda pointless there as we all know it's the inferior form of N.O. compared to the other ingredients like citrulline and nitrates.

But since it's not the only ingredient in there for pumps, it's actually not so much a bad thing to include.

This blend seems pretty simple but since it's in a prop blend, there's no way to tell if it's effective until it's tried.

With that in mind, you're not going to buy Mesomorph purely for nitric oxide and pumps, it's mainly a DMAA pre workout that helps unleash crazy energy and focus.

Beta Alanine (3.2g)

It doesn't matter if you're engaged in strenuous physical activities like lifting, or just running around the block, you've probably experienced that burning, painful sensation.

It'd stop you short from a set or you'll most likely fatigue sooner than you'd like to.

Beta alanine helps you last longer, sustain high intensity more than normally, and help buffer the burning sensation that occurs with lifting and exercise.

It's been confirmed there's 3.2 grams of BA in Mesomorph, so you'll be getting the full clinical dose with every serving.

While you may not enjoy the itchy part of it, you'll benefit from increased strength, power and endurance.

The combination of DMAA and BA will turn you into an unstoppable energized force, though you might feel tingly even from half servings!

L-Citrulline DL-Malate

Yet another fatigue fighter, Citrulline Malate helps increase endurance and recovery.

It promotes the production of ATP, and just like Beta Alanine, it helps remove the excess build up of ammonia build up in muscles.

Thus it is a massive help in boosting muscle gains and recovery as well.

In our opinon, it should be included in every pre workout, no matter the goal.

The best part about citrulline is that it increases nitric oxide and it does so better than argnine.

When it's combined with nitrates (like it is in Mesomorph), you'll benefit from the massive and long lasting pumps.

It's in a proprietary blend so it's tough to tell how much is inside.

But we'll guess it's no more than 2.5 grams.

Not nearly enough to be a full dosage, per the studies that's been done on CM, but it's nice to have in a concentrate pre workout. 

Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate

It's been a long time since we discovered how arginine is useless on it's own.

But when it's in the form of AKG, it's a little bit more improved.

Arginine AKG has been shown to increase strength, endurance and blood flow.

When it's combined with other nitric oxide precursors like citrulline and nitrates, pumps and endurance are both increased significantly.

Fortunately, the pumps from Mesomorph are probably not going to dependent from AAKG, as there's nitrates which are much more effective.  

Mesoswell-Cell Volumizing ATP Matrix (4.5g)

Here's Whats Included With This Blend:

  • Di-Creatine Malate
  • L-Taurine
  • Creatine Nitrate
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Creatinol-O-Phosphate
  • Agmatine Sulfate

I know what you're thinking (or at least what you should be thinking 6 ingredients that need to be dosed anywhere from 500mg to 3g to be effective, are you really going to benefit from this blend?


The only great thing about this blend is that it's got some nice, ergogenic ingedients to help boost performance in the gym.

It'll not only increase nitric oxide and pumps, but it'll boost up strength, power, endurance and help pack on muscle.

The only way to find out if there are any properly dosed ingredients here, is to simply try it.

But even then it's still tough to determine.

So these ingredients here have multiple purposes, but we're mainly eyeing out creatine nitrates as that should give some mean pumps!

Di-Creatine Malate

Just like Citrulline Malate, Creatine Malate is just creatine with malic acid binded to it.

In theory, this should make creatine much more bioavaiable and muscles should be able to absorb this much more effiecently than plain creatine mono.

But seeing how this is just all theory, and there are no studies done to prove this, creatine monohydrate has and will be the longest standing best form of creatine to use.

You'll be able to benefit from improved endurance, and sustain high intensity before falling into fatigue from malic acid, just how like beta alanine and citrulline malate would.


Known as the volumizer and water / nutrient deliverer, taurine helps increase pumps, reduce fatigue as well as soreness.

It's crucial to make sure you're supplementing or at least getting enough of it from your diet as high intensity activities can deplete its levels.

Creatine Nitrate

The super star of this blend, creatine nitrate is creatine binded with nitrate.

It's theoretically better than creatine monohydrate since it is more bioavailable but again, there are no studies that prove this.

But that shouldn't stop you from creatine nitrates; the nitrates part of it will help increase pumps and a definite boost in nitric oxide levels.

Furthermore, when nitrates are paired with agmatine, arginine and citrulline malate, you'll experience an synergitic effect, basically you'll be increasing nitric oxide from all kinds of pathways and angles.

Since the next ingredient is dosed at 300mg (vitamin C), there is no less than 300mg of creatine nitrate.

And creatine nitrate is at least 32.5% nitrate, leaving the rest for creatine.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C, 300mg)

When you've got a bunch of nitric oxide precursors together in one supplement, antioxidants are undoubtately needed.

By maintaining the Synthase enyzmes for nitric oxide (eNos), Vitamin C promotes nitric oxide production and helps increase overall blood flow.

So together with nitrates and citrulline, vitamin C will help maintain and increase the pump for a longer period of time.

Creatinol-O-Phosphate (Less Than 300mg)

Like beta alanine and citrulline, COP (Creatinol-O-Phosphate) helps increase the removal of ammonia and buffers lactic acid, which'll help increase overall performance with both endurance and strength.

There isn't much research done on COP but the dosage can't be more than 250-300mg so just barely enough to see any benefits, though there are other lactic acid buffering ingredients in Mesomorph.

Agmatine (Less Than 250mg)

Agmatine is another powerful nitric oxide precursor and a great neurotransmitter which helps stop the breakdown of nitric oxide.

Though we'd like to see at least 500mg of agmatine, there's plenty of nitric oxide boosters in here (like citrulline, nitrates, arginine AKG) so it's nice to have agmatine.

There's 5 nitric oxide boosters in Mesomorph, more than enough to experience swole sessions.

5 Nitric Oxide Boosters; Pumps!

Mesomorph seems to be a super concentrated pre workout at first glance, but really, it's a performance boosting, pump inducing, and maybe even aggression increasing pre workout that'll give you the benefits of 2-3 simple purposes while using many different types of ingredients.

Pumps are going to be ignited from different angles, so while everything is in a prop blend at sort-of secret dosages, Mesomorph so far seems to be a solid pre workout that well above other pre's. 

Neuromorph-Neuro Energized Stimulant Matrix (1.87g)

It's What We're All Waiting For... Stimulants And Lots Of DMAA!

The 1.87 Might Stimulant Blend Contains:

  • Glucuronolactone
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Senegalia Berlandieri 
  • Theobromine
  • Naringin
  • Isopropylnorsynephrine 

Feels right at home, no?

Caffeine, 200mg of PEA alkaloids, and lots of reasons to go from zero to 100 to off the walls.

We know there's 3.2g beta alanine, and probably around 300mg of caffeine anhydrous per scoop, making Mesomorph not only a very powerful stimulant pre workout, but a solid nitric oxide igniter.

The amount of stims in here will make you think twice before taking a full scoop for the very first time.

In fact, if you can take just half a scoop everytime, you'll have 50 servings of this stuff.

The 2 new stimulants combined with 300mg of caffeine makes for a pre workout that definitely requires a solid week break from stimulants.

If it's your first time taking Mesomorph, start with half a scoop and assess your tolerance.

We can't stress this enough.


You've probably seen Glucuronolactone around in energy drinks.

There it's usually underdosed, but here it's actually dosed properly at 1.3g (Red Bull only has 600mg).

Anywhere from 1 to 2g is what's been studied as a ergogenic ingredient. It's suppose to help regulate glycogen in the body.

It's the metabolite of glucose but really it's under researched and we'd much rather see something that's been studied and proven like choline-based ingredients.

It's nice to have this anyhow.

Caffeine Anhydrous

The real game changer of all stimulants... Good old caffeine.

Caffeine has been shown to improve both mental and physical performance in exercise.

It fights off fatigue and helps increase alertness, focus and overall performance.

We're guessing there's no more than 300mg in Mesomorph, but as we mentioned earlier, take only half a scoop to test out your tolerance so you don't overstim yourself with this pre workout.

Senegalia Berlandieri

Here's one of the superstar stimulants.

Senegalia Berlandieri provides 200mg PEA alkaloids, including N-Phenethyladimethylamine, B-Phenylethylamine, and N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine and is suppose to have an effect that is comparable to 30mg ephedrine.

This stimulant will increase dopamine production, increase motivation and enhance adrenaline levels, leaving you more motivated and excited to destroy your PR's. 


The younger brother of caffeine, theobromine has that feel-good side to it that dark chocolate has.

It's a mild stimulant but you won't feel much if it's on it's own.

Paired with caffeine and other stimulants, it can smooth out the stimulants and make it more of a longer lasting stimulated feeling rather than the hit and crash that traditional stimulants have.

So having theobromine with other stims, makes Mesmorph a long lasting pre workout that features a mixture of both slow and fast releasing stimulants.


Naringin is thought to have some energy boosting properties and is gaining popularity as it's in many fat burners.

It's a compound found in grapefruit that's known to help sustain better blood sugar and stabilizing blood pressure.

There's no research to back this up but it's included in here and hopefully it contributes to the energy and focus that Mesomorph is suppose to give.


You may have never seen this before but you'll be familiar with it as it's a isopropyl derivative of citrus aurantium synephrine, an ingredient commonly used for fat loss and possibly provides the best concentrated energy per mg.

This combined with senegalia berlandieri will provide long lasting and hard hitting energy that'll help you rule your workout inside and out. 

Geranaburn (DMAA, 65mg)

Like we mentioned, if you want something that has DMAA, check out our DMAA guide for stuff that is not only affordable but also contains the stimulant you're looking for.

Geranium Oil Extract or more better known for DMAA, 1,3 dimethylamylamine, is known to giev some strong focus, increased performance and incredible appetite suppression.

While Jack3d wasn't the first pre workout to feature DMAA, it gained the reputation of being the best DMAA based pre workout, but soon was removed from shelves as FDA and the general public have been questioning it's safety profile.

Though it does have a few studies to prove its safety and effectiveness among healthy people, the FDA is on the path of trying to ban it for good.

But thankfully that doesn't seem like it'll happen because we've got Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals to back up DMAA and is ready to spend lots of money to fight back and keep DMAA-based products on the shelves!

So while marketing for DMAA isn't allowed, it still is perfectly legal to buy and use. 

Off The Walls Energy & Tunnel Focus

Mesomorph contains a potent stimulant blend that'll give you some nice energy and focus, and it does its job very well.

You may not like reformulations in general, but this one just might make the exception.

Flavors Available (10 flavors!)

  • Watermelon
  • Pink Lemonade
  • Pineapple
  • Grape
  • Tropical Punch
  • Rocket Pop

With 6 different flavors, it's hard not to get tempted to try them all.

And to sip on them all day.

Maybe while you read this review or maybe during as a late afternoon energy drink.

That's a big no-no.

The delicious flavors with Mesomorph might make it another reason to sip on it for fun, but trust us when we say that this should only be used as a pre workout (Before your workout).

That being said, the rocket pop is a popular choice if you can't decide between them all.

You should choose one that doesn't taste good so you're not tempted to use it on a daily basis.

Turning Ectomorphs Into Mesomorphs?

So if you consider yourself as an ectomorph and you want to make some gains, Mesomorph is an alright choice to go with, you can't go wrong with it.

It's got nitrates, 4 other nitric oxide boosters, PEA alkaloids, 3.2g of beta alanine, it's unlike your traditional concentrated pre workouts.

Every 15 gram scoop of Mesomorph is another step towards the next level of muscular gains.

Mesomorph is a must try.

All the ingredients in each blend play a role in boosting performance in one way or another.

While it's all in a prop blend, swole pumps are bound to be experienced and increased performance is a for-sure. .

Combine with BCAA supplements for an even better Mesomorph workout.

It goes to show that no matter what the FDA tries to take away from us, APS Nutrition and Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals are always aiming to create the best pre workout ever. 

Want To Turn Into A Super Mesomorph?

Mesomorph is a worthy pre workout to try.

You'll likely go back to this PWO multiple times.

It's got everything for a mind-blowing workout.

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