Transparent Labs Carb Powder Review

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 19, 2024

Carbohydrates are the fuel that drives your workouts.

They provide the energy your muscles need to perform at their best.

But not all carbohydrates are created equal.

Enter Transparent Labs and their versatile supplement, Carb.

Let's dig into this supplement and break it down...

Carb by Transparent Labs: At A Glance

Carb by Transparent Labs is not your average carbohydrate supplement.

It's a scientifically-formulated product designed to give you sustained energy during workouts without the stomach upset often associated with traditional sports drinks.

Sustained Energy
Carb Powder with Cluster Dextrin® by Transparent Labs

Carb by Transparent Labs is a scientifically-formulated carbohydrate supplement designed to provide sustained energy, improve workout performance, and aid recovery. It stands out for using Cluster Dextrin, a high-molecular-weight carbohydrate that offers steady energy release without causing stomach discomfort.

  • Provides steady, long-lasting energy for workouts.
  • Easy digestion and no stomach discomfort.
  • Versatile usage (before, during, or after workout)
  • Neutral (mildly sweet taste and easy mixability)
Ingredients: 25g Cluster Dextrin
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The Research Behind Cluster Dextrin

Cluster Dextrin®, also known as highly branched cyclic dextrin, is a novel type of carbohydrate that has been gaining attention in the world of sports nutrition. Here's what the research says:

Rapid Absorption

One of the key benefits of Cluster Dextrin® is its rapid absorption rate. Unlike other carbohydrates, which can take time to break down, Cluster Dextrin® is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This means it can provide a rapid source of energy during workouts.

Sustained Energy Release

Despite its rapid absorption, Cluster Dextrin® provides a sustained release of energy. This is because it has a high molecular weight and a low osmolality, which allows it to pass through the stomach quickly and be gradually absorbed in the intestines. This steady energy release can help you maintain your performance throughout your workout.

Easy on the Stomach

Many traditional sports drinks contain simple sugars that can cause stomach discomfort. Cluster Dextrin®, on the other hand, is easily digested and doesn't cause the same gastrointestinal issues. This makes it a great choice for athletes who need a quick energy source but don't want to deal with stomach upset during their workout.

Who Should Buy Carb Powder by Transparent Labs

Carb Powder by Transparent Labs is a great choice for:

  • Athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking for a reliable source of energy during workouts.
  • Individuals who need a quick, easily digestible source of carbohydrates before, during, or after workouts.
  • Those who want a carbohydrate supplement that doesn't cause stomach discomfort.

Who Shouldn't Buy Carb Powder by Transparent Labs

Carb Powder by Transparent Labs might not be the best choice for:

  • Individuals on a low-carb or ketogenic diet.
  • Those who prefer to get their carbohydrates from whole food sources.
  • Individuals with specific dietary restrictions or allergies (always check the ingredient list and consult with a healthcare professional if unsure).

Carb Powder by Transparent Labs Highlights

  • Provides a steady release of energy.
  • Uses Cluster Dextrin® for easy digestion.
  • Versatile usage - can be taken before, during, or after workouts.
  • Neutral, mildly sweet taste and easy mixability.

Ingredients in Carb Powder by Transparent Labs

Each 25g scoop of Carb Powder by Transparent Labs contains:

  • 100 calories
  • 25g of Cluster Dextrin®

Each container provides 30 servings.


Carb Powder runs about $44.99, and you can use our discount code FITFREK to make that price low. That will round you around 30 days, but you can make it last longer by taking half the servings. 

Flavor Options

Carb Powder by Transparent Labs comes in a neutral, mildly sweet flavor. This makes it easy to mix with a variety of liquids, from water to juice to your favorite sports drink.


Thanks to its unique formulation with Cluster Dextrin®, Carb Powder by Transparent Labs is highly effective at providing a steady release of energy during workouts. It's also easily digestible, so you can take it before, during, or after your workout without worrying about stomach upset.

How to Use Carb by Transparent Labs

Using Carb by Transparent Labs is simple. Just mix one scoop of the powder with your preferred amount of water, juice, or sports drink. The powder mixes easily, so you won't have to worry about clumps or residue. For best results, consume Carb before, during, or after your workout.

Before Your Workout: Consuming Carb before your workout can give you a quick energy boost. The Cluster Dextrin® in Carb provides a steady release of energy, helping you start your workout strong.

During Your Workout: Sipping on Carb during your workout can help sustain your performance. The steady energy release can help you maintain your intensity and push through tough workouts.

After Your Workout: Consuming Carb after your workout can support recovery. The steady energy release can help replenish your glycogen stores, which can aid in recovery and muscle growth.

The Science: What Makes Carb by Transparent Labs Stand Out

At the heart of Carb is Cluster Dextrin®, a patented form of highly branched cyclic dextrin.

Unlike low molecular weight carbohydrates like dextrose, Cluster Dextrin® is rapidly absorbed into the intestines without spiking your insulin levels or causing stomach discomfort.

Cluster Dextrin, or Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin (HBCD), is a carbohydrate gaining attention in fitness due to its potential benefits for exercise performance and recovery.

Its unique structure allows for quick absorption and digestion, boosting energy during workouts.

Let's dig into these studies and benefits...

Key Features of Cluster Dextrin

  • Fast Absorption: Due to its high molecular weight and low osmolality, HBCD is absorbed faster than other carbohydrates. This means it can provide energy more quickly and efficiently.

  • Gentle on the Stomach: HBCD has a low osmolality, which means it doesn't draw water into the stomach. This can reduce the risk of stomach discomfort during exercise.

  • Sustained Energy: HBCD provides a steady release of energy, which can help to maintain performance during long workouts.

Scientific Research on Cluster Dextrin

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the benefits of HBCD. Here are some key findings:

  • Improved Endurance: A study found that mice given a solution of HBCD had significantly longer swimming times until fatigue compared to those given a glucose solution.

  • Better Digestibility: In another study, HBCD was found to be readily hydrolyzed to maltose and maltotriose by human salivary amylases and porcine pancreatic α-amylases.

  • Enhanced Performance: A randomized, controlled crossover experiment showed that the mean rate of glycogen synthesis was significantly higher with a low osmolality carbohydrate solution, like HBCD.

  • Reduced GI Disorders: A study showed that an HBCD-based sports drink was associated with a lower flatulence value than glucose and dextrose from 15 minutes after ingestion to the end of the study.

The science behind Cluster Dextrin suggests that it can provide quick, sustained energy during workouts without causing stomach discomfort. Its unique structure allows for fast absorption and digestion, making it an effective carbohydrate source for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Benefits of Using Carb by Transparent Labs

Carb by Transparent Labs offers a range of benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It provides a steady release of energy, helping you power through your workouts. It's also easily digestible, so you can take it before, during, or after your workout without worrying about stomach upset.

Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Sustained Energy: The Cluster Dextrin® in Carb provides a steady release of energy, helping you maintain your performance throughout your workout. This means you can push harder and go longer without hitting the wall.

  • Easy Digestion: One of the common complaints about traditional sports drinks is that they can cause stomach upset. Carb is different. Because it uses Cluster Dextrin®, it's easily digestible and won't leave you feeling bloated or uncomfortable.

  • Versatility: Carb is a versatile supplement used before, during, or after your workout. Use it before your workout for a quick energy boost, during it to sustain your performance, or after it to support recovery.

Taste and Mixability

One of the things users love about Carb by Transparent Labs is its neutral, mildly sweet taste. It mixes easily with virtually all liquids, making it a convenient addition to your workout routine.

Carb Powder vs Other Carbohydrate Supplements

Let's see how Transparent Labs Carb Powder stacks up against other competing carbohydrate powders...

Comparison with Formula XII Intra

Formula XII Intra is a comprehensive intra-workout supplement that:

  • Provides carbohydrates.
  • Includes essential amino acids.
  • Contains electrolytes.

While Carb Powder focuses solely on providing a high-quality source of carbohydrates, Formula XII Intra aims to support overall workout performance and recovery. If you're looking for a more comprehensive intra-workout supplement, Formula XII Intra might be a better choice. However, if your primary goal is to fuel your workouts with a clean and efficient source of carbohydrates, Carb Powder could be the better option.

Comparison with EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel

EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel is another carbohydrate supplement that:

  • Uses a unique compound called Karbolyn.
  • Provides a fast and sustained energy source for your workouts.

While Carb Powder uses Cluster Dextrin, a highly branched cyclic dextrin, Karbolyn Fuel uses a different approach to achieve similar results. Both supplements aim to provide a quick, sustained energy source for your workouts, but the choice between the two may come down to personal preference and how your body responds to each formula.

Comparison with Swolverine Clean Carbs

Swolverine Clean Carbs is a carbohydrate supplement that:

  • Uses whole food sources to provide its carbohydrates.
  • Includes ingredients like sweet potatoes, oats, and blueberries.

This approach is different from Carb Powder, which uses a single source of carbohydrates (Cluster Dextrin). If you prefer a whole-food approach to your supplements, Swolverine Clean Carbs might be a better choice. However, if you're looking for a simple and efficient source of energy for your workouts, Carb Powder could be the better option.

Comparison with Post-Jym Fast Digesting Carbs

Post-Jym Fast Digesting Carbs is designed to be used post-workout and:

  • Uses dextrose as its primary source of carbohydrates.
  • Provides a quick source of energy for post-workout recovery.

Carb Powder, on the other hand, is designed to provide a sustained energy source during your workouts. If you're looking for a post-workout carbohydrate supplement, Post-Jym might be a better choice. However, for intra-workout energy, Carb Powder could be the better option.

Comparison with Nutricost Maltodextrin

Nutricost Maltodextrin is a simple and affordable carbohydrate supplement that:

  • Uses maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate derived from corn, as its primary ingredient.
  • Provides a quick and easy source of energy.

While this provides a quick and easy source of energy, it lacks the sophistication of Carb Powder's Cluster Dextrin. If you're looking for a budget-friendly carbohydrate supplement, Nutricost Maltodextrin might be a good choice. However, if you're willing to invest in a higher-quality source of energy for your workouts, Carb Powder could be the better option.

Carb Powder (Cluster Dextrin) Vs. Other Types of Carbohydrates

The main carb source in Carb Powder is often compared to cheaper forms of carbs. Let's see how they stack up...

Comparison with Dextrose

Dextrose is a type of simple sugar that is often used in carbohydrate supplements. The key characteristics of dextrose include:

  • Quick absorption by the body, providing an immediate source of energy.
  • Common use for post-workout recovery to quickly replenish glycogen stores.
  • Potential to lead to a spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash.

In contrast, Carb Powder by Transparent Labs, which uses Cluster Dextrin, offers a different approach. It provides a steady release of energy, avoiding the sudden spikes and crashes often associated with dextrose. This makes it a more stable and reliable source of energy during workouts.

Comparison with Waxy Maize

Waxy Maize is a type of high-molecular-weight carbohydrate. It's often used by endurance athletes who need a long-lasting energy source. Some of the characteristics of waxy maize include:

  • Slow absorption by the body, providing a steady source of energy.
  • Potential difficulty in mixing in liquids.
  • Possible bloating in some individuals.

In contrast, Carb Powder, with its Cluster Dextrin, provides a similar steady energy release but is easily mixed and less likely to cause bloating. This makes it a more user-friendly option for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Comparison with Maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate that is high on the glycemic index, meaning it is quickly digested and absorbed. This rapid absorption can provide a quick source of energy during workouts, making it a common ingredient in sports drinks and supplements. However, compared to Cluster Dextrin, Maltodextrin may not be as beneficial for sustained energy release.

Digestion and Absorption

When it comes to digestion and absorption, there are key differences between Maltodextrin and Cluster Dextrin:

  • Maltodextrin is quickly digested and absorbed, providing a rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin. This can be beneficial for immediate energy needs but may lead to a "crash" later.
  • On the other hand, Cluster Dextrin in Carb Powder by Transparent Labs is designed for slow and steady absorption, providing sustained energy without the crash.

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index of these two carbohydrates also differs:

  • Maltodextrin has a high glycemic index, which can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar. This may not be ideal for individuals with diabetes or those trying to manage their blood sugar levels.
  • Cluster Dextrin has a lower glycemic response, making it a potentially better option for these individuals.

Effect on Performance

Both Maltodextrin and Cluster Dextrin can provide energy for workouts, but some studies suggest that Cluster Dextrin may be more beneficial for endurance and performance:

  • A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology found that athletes who consumed Cluster Dextrin had lower levels of stress hormones and a better endurance performance compared to those who consumed other carbohydrates.

Taste and Mixability

Taste and mixability are also important factors to consider:

  • Maltodextrin is often described as tasteless and mixes well with liquids, making it easy to add to drinks or shakes. However, some users report a slightly sweet or starchy taste.
  • Carb Powder by Transparent Labs, on the other hand, comes in a variety of flavors and is designed to mix easily with water.

In conclusion, while Maltodextrin can provide a quick source of energy, Carb Powder by Transparent Labs with Cluster Dextrin may offer more sustained energy release, potentially leading to better workout performance and recovery. However, individual responses can vary, and it's always important to consider personal health goals, dietary needs, and preferences when choosing a supplement.

Carbohydrate Supplements vs BCAA: What's the Difference?

Carbohydrate supplements, like Carb by Transparent Labs, are designed to:

  • Provide a steady release of energy during workouts.
  • Replenish glycogen stores in your muscles.
  • Improve performance and delay fatigue.
  • Aid in recovery after intense workouts.

For instance, Carb uses Cluster Dextrin®, a high-molecular-weight carbohydrate that provides sustained energy without causing stomach discomfort. This makes it a great choice for those needing a reliable source of energy during intense workouts.

BCAA Supplements

On the other hand, BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acid) supplements are often used to:

  • Boost muscle growth.
  • Enhance exercise performance.
  • Reduce muscle soreness.
  • Decrease muscle fatigue.

However, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements, there's not much scientific evidence to support taking BCAA supplements to improve performance, build muscle, or help tired and sore muscles to recover.

Which One is More Effective for Gym and Performance?

The effectiveness of carbohydrate supplements and BCAA supplements can depend on your specific needs and goals.

  • If your primary goal is to have sustained energy for longer workouts, a carbohydrate supplement like Carb might be more beneficial.
  • If you're focusing on muscle growth and recovery, you might find a BCAA supplement more useful.

It's also worth noting that these supplements can be used in conjunction, as they serve different functions. As always, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist to determine which supplement is best for your specific needs and goals.

Is Carb by Transparent Labs Right for You?

Carb by Transparent Labs is a versatile workout supplement that can benefit a wide range of individuals. Whether you're a seasoned athlete looking to optimize your performance, a fitness enthusiast trying to push through plateaus, or someone new to working out who needs a reliable source of energy, Carb can be a great addition to your routine.

However, as with any supplement, it's important to consider your individual needs, goals, and circumstances. If you're on a low-carb diet or have specific dietary restrictions, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before adding Carb to your routine.

Sustained Energy
Carb Powder with Cluster Dextrin® by Transparent Labs

Carb by Transparent Labs is a scientifically-formulated carbohydrate supplement designed to provide sustained energy, improve workout performance, and aid recovery. It stands out for using Cluster Dextrin, a high-molecular-weight carbohydrate that offers steady energy release without causing stomach discomfort.

  • Provides steady, long-lasting energy for workouts.
  • Easy digestion and no stomach discomfort.
  • Versatile usage (before, during, or after workout)
  • Neutral (mildly sweet taste and easy mixability)
Ingredients: 25g Cluster Dextrin
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What is Cluster Dextrin®? Cluster Dextrin® is a patented form of highly branched cyclic dextrin. It's a high-molecular-weight carbohydrate that's derived from amylopectin. Unlike low molecular weight carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed and can cause a spike in insulin levels, Cluster Dextrin® is absorbed at a slower rate. This means it provides a steady release of energy over a longer period.

How does Cluster Dextrin work? Due to its unique structure, Cluster Dextrin is slowly absorbed, providing a steady source of energy during workouts. It increases molecular weight and reduces osmolality, which measures dissolved particles in the blood. This helps the body rapidly digest carbohydrates for a sustained energy release.

What are the benefits of Cluster Dextrin? Cluster Dextrin can enhance exercise performance, promote fast gastric emptying, virtually eliminating any gastric distress often associated with less advanced carbohydrates. It also has potential benefits for gut health and muscle recovery.

How is Cluster Dextrin produced? Cluster Dextrin is produced from waxy corn starch (amylopectin) using a specific branching enzyme.

What is the difference between Cluster Dextrin and other carbohydrates like dextrose, maltodextrin, and waxy maize? Unlike other carbohydrates, Cluster Dextrin is slowly absorbed, providing a steady source of energy during workouts. It also promotes fast gastric emptying, virtually eliminating any gastric distress often associated with less advanced carbohydrates.

Is Cluster Dextrin suitable for everyone? While Cluster Dextrin can be beneficial for many people, it's always important to consider your individual needs and circumstances. If you have any health conditions or concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

How does Carb Powder by Transparent Labs compare to other carb supplements? Carb Powder by Transparent Labs stands out due to its use of Cluster Dextrin as the primary carbohydrate source. This provides a steady and sustained energy release, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to enhance their workout performance and recovery.

What are the ingredients in Carb Powder by Transparent Labs? The primary ingredient in Carb Powder by Transparent Labs is Cluster Dextrin. Each serving (25g scoop) provides 100 calories and 25g of Cluster Dextrin.

What are the flavor options for Carb Powder by Transparent Labs? Carb Powder by Transparent Labs comes in a variety of flavors, offering something to suit everyone's taste preferences.

How effective is Carb Powder by Transparent Labs? The effectiveness of Carb Powder by Transparent Labs can vary depending on individual needs and workout intensity. However, many users report experiencing enhanced workout performance and recovery when using this product.

How does Carb by Transparent Labs differ from other sports drinks? Unlike traditional sports drinks, which are loaded with glucose and can cause stomach upset, Carb uses Cluster Dextrin®. This means it provides a steady release of energy without causing stomach discomfort. Plus, because it's a powder, it's easy to mix with your favorite beverage.

Can I use Carb by Transparent Labs if I'm on a low-carb diet? Yes, Carb is designed to provide energy for your workouts without spiking your insulin levels. This makes it a suitable choice even if you're on a low-carb diet. However, as with any supplement, it's important to consider your overall dietary intake and goals.

Bottom Line

Carb by Transparent Labs is a standout in the world of workout supplements. Its unique formulation, featuring the patented Cluster Dextrin®, provides sustained energy without the stomach upset often associated with traditional sports drinks. Whether you're an athlete looking for a performance boost or a fitness enthusiast seeking a reliable source of workout energy, Carb is worth considering. It's versatile, easy to digest,and tastes great, making it a convenient addition to your workout routine.

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