Is Ryse Pre-Workout Good?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 5, 2023

Ryse Pre-Workout is a popular supplement designed to enhance your workouts and help you achieve your fitness goals.

It's packed with scientifically-backed ingredients that boost your energy levels and improve your focus and endurance.

Here's a detailed look at what makes Ryse Pre-Workout a top choice for fitness enthusiasts.

Is Ryse Pre-Workout Good?

Ryse Pre-Workout, with its blend of performance-enhancing ingredients, can boost your workout performance.

It's designed to improve energy, focus, and endurance, making it a solid choice for those looking to enhance their exercise routine. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Ryse Pre-Workout contains a blend of ingredients designed to enhance exercise performance.
  2. Citrulline and beta-alanine in Ryse may improve muscle strength and endurance.
  3. The caffeine content in Ryse can provide a noticeable energy boost.
  4. Theobromine and theanine in Ryse may enhance focus and mental performance.
  5. Vincamine, a lesser-known ingredient in Ryse, could potentially enhance cognitive performance during workouts.
  6. Individual responses to Ryse Pre-Workout may vary, so it's best to start with a lower dose and adjust as needed.

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Is Ryse Pre-Workout Good? A Deep Dive into the Ingredients and Their Benefits

When it comes to pre-workout supplements, there's a lot of hype and a lot of options.

One that's been getting a lot of attention lately is Ryse Pre-Workout.

But is it any good?

Let's look closely at what's inside and what the research says about these ingredients.

The Power of Citrulline

First up is citrulline, an amino acid that's often used in pre-workout supplements for its potential to improve blood flow.

Ryse Pre-Workout packs a solid 4.5g of citrulline.

But what does the science say?

Research has shown that citrulline supplementation can improve both aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance.

In one study, participants who took citrulline before a cycling test had a 12% increase in maximum power output compared to a placebo group.

Another study found that citrulline supplementation could reduce muscle soreness by up to 40% after a workout.

Some studies suggest that citrulline can improve exercise performance and increase muscle mass.

Citrulline may also have benefits for heart health. It has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve arterial stiffness in people with heart failure and type 2 diabetes.

Strangely enough, one systematic review and meta-analysis found no significant positive effects of citrulline supplementation on aerobic exercise performance. [1]

On the other hand, a study found that supplementation with L-citrulline resulted in higher skeletal muscle weight and improved time to exhaustion during exercise. [2]

Anecdotally speaking though,citrulline gives some nasty pumps and helps grind out more reps and sets while delaying fatigue. 

Beta-Alanine: More Than Just a Tingle

Next up is beta-alanine.

This is another amino acid that's often found in pre-workout supplements.

In Ryse, you're getting a dose of 3.5g.

Beta-alanine is known for causing a tingling sensation on the skin, but it's also been studied for its potential to improve exercise performance.

A meta-analysis of 21 studies found that beta-alanine can improve performance in various exercise tasks. [3]

It was particularly beneficial for aerobic exercise but also positively affected muscle strength, endurance, power, and jumping performance.

While the tingles might be strange, they could be a sign that your pre-workout is kicking in.

Caffeine: A Well-Known Kick

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that many of us rely on daily.

In Ryse Pre-Workout, you get a good dose of 250mg of caffeine.

A meta-analysis of 21 studies found that caffeine can improve performance in various exercise tasks. [3]

It was particularly beneficial for aerobic exercise, but it also positively affected muscle strength, muscle endurance, power, and jumping performance.

So, if you're looking for a pre-workout with a kick, Ryse has got you covered.

Theobromine: More Than Just Chocolate

Theobromine is a natural compound found in cacao plants and tea leaves.

You might be more familiar with it as one of the things that gives dark chocolate its bitter taste.

But in Ryse Pre-Workout, it's there for more than just flavor.

Theobromine is a vasodilator, which can help widen your blood vessels.

This can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to your muscles, which can help you work out harder and longer.

While there isn't a lot of research on the effects of 100mg of theobromine, it's generally considered safe and beneficial in moderate doses.

Theanine: A Calming Influence

Theanine is an amino acid that's often praised for its calming effects.

But don't let that fool you into thinking it will put you to sleep in the middle of your workout.

In fact, when combined with caffeine - like it is in Ryse Pre-Workout - it can help to enhance your focus and mental performance.

A study found that a supplement containing caffeine, theanine, and tyrosine improved both mental and physical performance in athletes. [4]

The athletes who took the supplement had better movement accuracy during performance assessments, both when standing still and moving.

So, while theanine might not be the ingredient that's giving you that physical boost, it could be the one that keeps you focused and in the zone during your workout.

Vincamine: A Lesser-Known Ingredient

Last but not least, we have vincamine.

This is a lesser-known ingredient that's often used in supplements for its potential cognitive benefits.

It's a natural compound found in the periwinkle plant.

While there isn't a lot of research specifically on the effects of 10mg of vincamine, it's generally considered safe in moderate doses.

In the context of a pre-workout supplement like Ryse, vincamine could help enhance your focus and mental performance during your workout.

However, more research is needed to fully understand vincamine's potential benefits and optimal dosage for exercise performance.

Ryse Key Ingredients and Their Dosages

Ryse Pre-Workout is formulated with a blend of potent ingredients, each serving a specific purpose:

  • 4.5g of Pure L-Citrulline: This amino acid increases blood flow to your muscles, enhancing your performance and reducing fatigue during workouts.
  • 3.5g of Beta-Alanine: Beta-Alanine helps buffer lactic acid production in your muscles, delaying muscle fatigue during extended periods of exercise.
  • 250mg of Caffeine and 120mg of ZumXR: These ingredients work together to boost sustained energy, improving alertness and focus without causing a crash.
  • 10mg of Thinkamine: This form of choline is often used as a cognitive enhancer, improving focus and vigilance by boosting levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.
  • 50mg of Theanine: This amino acid promotes relaxation without drowsiness, reducing the jitters that can sometimes come with caffeine consumption.
  • 100mg of Theobromine: This compound works similarly to caffeine, providing a smooth, long-lasting energy boost.

Ryse Pre-Workout may include other ingredients like CitraPeak or VitaCholine depending on the variant.

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Effectiveness of Dosages

The dosages of the ingredients in Ryse Pre-Workout are designed to be effective and safe.

For instance, the 4.5g of Citrulline is a substantial dose that's likely to produce noticeable effects in terms of improved blood flow and reduced muscle fatigue.

The combination of 250mg of regular caffeine and 120mg of ZumXR (extended-release caffeine) is designed to provide a sustained energy boost without the crash that can sometimes follow caffeine consumption.

The supplement is so potent that even a half serving (1 scoop) is often enough to enhance a workout.

Only experienced users are advised to take a full 2 scoop serving.

Dosages Used in Studies

The dosages of key ingredients in Ryse Pre-Workout align with those used in scientific studies.

For example, doses of Citrulline in the 4-10g range can effectively improve exercise performance.

Similarly, Beta-Alanine is often studied at doses around 3-6g per day, which aligns with the 3.5g included in Ryse Pre-Workout.


What is Ryse Pre-Workout?

A: Ryse Pre-Workout is a dietary supplement designed to enhance exercise performance. It contains a blend of ingredients including citrulline, beta-alanine, caffeine, theobromine, theanine, and vincamine.

What are the potential benefits of Ryse Pre-Workout?

The ingredients in Ryse Pre-Workout have been studied for their potential to improve various aspects of exercise performance, such as strength, endurance, power, and focus.

How much caffeine is in Ryse Pre-Workout?

A: Ryse Pre-Workout contains 250mg of caffeine per serving. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of caffeine in two to three cups of coffee.

What is the recommended dosage for Ryse Pre-Workout?

It's always a good idea to start with a lower dose to see how your body reacts. You can then adjust the dosage as needed.

Can Ryse Pre-Workout improve my focus during workouts?

A: Yes, Ryse Pre-Workout contains theanine and vincamine, which have been studied for their potential to enhance cognitive performance during workouts.

Is Ryse Pre-Workout safe?

While the ingredients in Ryse Pre-Workout are generally considered safe, individual responses can vary. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Can I take Ryse Pre-Workout if I'm sensitive to caffeine?

If you're sensitive to caffeine, you may want to start with a lower dose of Ryse Pre-Workout or consider a caffeine-free alternative.

What is theobromine and why is it in Ryse Pre-Workout?

Theobromine is a natural compound found in cacao plants and tea leaves. In Ryse Pre-Workout, it's included for its potential to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles.

Can Ryse Pre-Workout help me build muscle?

While Ryse Pre-Workout enhances exercise performance, building muscle also requires a balanced diet, regular strength training, and adequate recovery.

Can I take Ryse Pre-Workout on non-training days?

While taking Ryse Pre-Workout on non-training days is generally safe, it's primarily designed to enhance exercise performance. If you're considering taking it on non-training days, consulting with a healthcare professional is a good idea.

Bottom Line

So, is Ryse Pre-Workout any good?

Based on the ingredients and the research, it certainly has the potential to give your workout a boost.

But remember, everyone's body is different, so what works well for one person might not work as well for another.

It's always a good idea to start with a lower dose to see how your body reacts and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

And most importantly, remember that supplements are just one piece of the puzzle.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial for achieving your fitness goals.

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