Are Programs Legit?

by Nader Qudimat
Updated June 29, 2023

In the world of fitness and strength training...

Finding the right program that suits your needs can be one of the most overwhelming things to do.

This is where LiftVault comes into the picture.

But is legit?

Should you use their programs?

Let's dive in and find out...

LiftVault: What Is That?

LiftVault is a comprehensive fitness platform that provides a wide range of free, mobile-friendly workout plans and spreadsheets.

It caters to various fitness enthusiasts, offering programs for powerlifting, bodybuilding, general strength training, and Olympic weightlifting.

The platform also features a user-friendly interface, a Program Finder tool to help users find suitable programs, and "The Vault" to access all spreadsheets.

Based on the information and positive community feedback, LiftVault appears to be a legitimate and valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their strength and fitness.

Therefore, it is worth looking into.

Recommended: The Ultimate Guide to Training Programs

What is LiftVault?

LiftVault is a platform that provides free, mobile-friendly workout plans and spreadsheets.

It caters to a wide range of fitness enthusiasts, from powerlifters and bodybuilders to those interested in general strength training and Olympic weightlifting.

The Origin of LiftVault

LiftVault was born out of the need for a comprehensive resource for workout plans.

The platform aims to help users get stronger by working smarter, providing various programs that can be referenced on the go. was born out of personal need and frustration.

Kyle Risley, an amateur powerlifter competing in meets around New England, was frustrated with the internet's lack of trustworthy sources for powerlifting programs.

He recognized the need for a reliable, comprehensive resource where fitness enthusiasts could access high-quality training programs.

Driven by this need, Kyle founded LiftVault in 2016.

His vision was to create a platform to provide free, mobile-friendly workout plans and spreadsheets for various athletic endeavors, not just powerlifting.

His hands-on experience and practical perspective as an active competitor in powerlifting meets added a unique, authentic touch to the platform.

Since its inception, LiftVault has grown exponentially. It has become one of the most popular sources for high-quality online training programs, catering to many fitness enthusiasts.

The platform's success is a testament to Kyle's vision and dedication to providing a valuable resource to the fitness community.

What Does LiftVault Offer? is an evergrowing website that offers plenty, from product reviews to programs. 

Programs are what make LiftVault stand out in the market of bodybuilding review sites. 

Powerlifting Programs

LiftVault offers a range of powerlifting programs designed to help users increase their strength and performance in the three main powerlifting exercises: the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Bodybuilding Programs

For those interested in muscle hypertrophy and aesthetics, LiftVault provides bodybuilding programs. These programs focus on high-volume workouts to stimulate muscle growth.

Strength Training Programs

LiftVault also caters to individuals who are interested in general strength training. These programs are designed to improve overall strength and fitness.

Olympic Weightlifting Programs

For athletes interested in Olympic weightlifting, LiftVault offers specific programs that focus on the snatch and the clean and jerk.

What Are Their Most Popular Programs?

LiftVault offers a wide range of powerlifting programs designed to cater to different fitness levels and goals.

Here are some of the popular powerlifting programs available on LiftVault:

  1. Kizen 12 Week Powerlifting Peaking Program: This program is designed to help powerlifters peak their performance for a competition.

  2. nSuns Programs: These are popular powerlifting and strength programs that focus on high volume and high intensity training.

  3. Jim Wendler 5/3/1 Programs: These programs are based on the 5/3/1 method developed by Jim Wendler, focusing on the four main lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press.

  4. Calgary Barbell 16 and 8 Week Programs: These programs are designed by Calgary Barbell, focusing on powerlifting and strength training.

  5. Sheiko Programs: These are powerlifting programs designed by Boris Sheiko, a renowned Russian powerlifting coach.

  6. Candito 6 Week Program: This is a powerlifting program designed by Jonnie Candito, focusing on strength and power.

  7. Juggernaut Method Base Template: This program is based on the Juggernaut Method developed by Chad Wesley Smith, focusing on progressive overload and periodization.

  8. Greg Nuckols 28 Programs: These are a collection of 28 powerlifting programs designed by Greg Nuckols, covering a wide range of powerlifting goals.

  9. Beginner Powerlifting Programs: LiftVault also offers a range of powerlifting programs specifically designed for beginners.

  10. Intermediate Powerlifting Programs: For those who have some experience in powerlifting, LiftVault offers intermediate programs to further increase strength and performance.

Each of these programs has its own unique approach to powerlifting, allowing users to choose a program that best aligns with their personal goals and preferences.

User Experience on LiftVault

Users of LiftVault have reported a positive experience with the platform.

The programs are easy to follow, and the spreadsheets allow users to track their progress effectively.

LiftVault's Program Finder

One of the standout features of LiftVault is the Program Finder.

Similar to the one we have here, this tool allows users to find a program that suits their specific needs and goals.

The Vault: Access to All Spreadsheets

LiftVault offers a feature called "The Vault" which gives users access to all spreadsheets in one place.

This feature allows users to download or make copies of the spreadsheets, ensuring they always have up-to-date information.

Nutritional Supplements Recommendations

In addition to workout programs, LiftVault also provides recommendations for nutritional supplements.

This includes guides on the strongest pre-workout supplements, creatine for bulking, and more.

Community Feedback on LiftVault

Feedback from the community has been mostly positive.

Users appreciate the variety of programs available and the ease of use of the platform.

The Program Finder feature has been particularly well-received.

Who Is The Team Behind LiftVault?

The LiftVault team is composed of two key individuals who bring their unique expertise and passion to the platform.

Kyle Risley

Kyle is the driving force and founder of LiftVault.

He started the platform in 2016 out of his frustration with the lack of trustworthy sources for powerlifting programs on the internet.

Since its inception, LiftVault has grown to become one of the most popular sources of high-quality training programs for a variety of athletic endeavors.

Kyle continues to compete in amateur powerlifting meets around New England, bringing a hands-on, practical perspective to the platform.

Matthew Scarfo

Matthew is the Resident Training & Nutrition Expert at LiftVault.

With over 22 years of experience in fitness and athletic performance, Matthew brings a wealth of knowledge to the team.

His certifications include NASM CPT-OPT, CES, PES, FNS, a Precision Nutrition Pn1, and several other certifications.

He is an endurance athlete, potentialist, corrective exercise, and human movement specialist.

In addition to working with all types of clients, he mentors and consults other professionals within the industry on the foundational and advanced applications of movement economics, functional performance, breathwork, as well as somatic and corrective exercise.

Together, Kyle and Matthew work to provide a comprehensive and reliable resource for fitness enthusiasts of all levels.

How to Use 

Ready to dive into the world of LiftVault but not sure where to start?

Don't sweat it.

A dedicated fan of the site, vHavik, has got you covered.

He's put together a fantastic video guide that walks you through how to make the most of LiftVault.

Now, if you're short on time or just eager to get to the good stuff, you'll want to skip ahead to the 3:47 mark.

That's where the magic starts.

So grab your workout gear, get comfortable, and let's check out LiftVault together with vHavik as our guide...

The Strongest States of the USA According to LiftVault

Ever wondered which state in the USA can claim the strongest title?

LiftVault, your go-to platform for fitness, decided to roll up its sleeves and find out.

And the champion flexing its muscles at the top? Texas!

LiftVault crunched the numbers, analyzing powerlifting data from the past five years.

The result is a fascinating map that lets you pit your personal bests against the average squat, bench press, and deadlift of the top lifters in each state.

But how did they determine the strongest?

They turned to the Wilks score, a handy coefficient that levels the playing field, allowing us to compare the strength of powerlifters regardless of their weight.

The spotlight shone on some of the country's top lifters, including Mississippi's Ray Williams, boasting the highest Wilks performance, and New York's Taylor Atwood, hot on his heels with the second-highest Wilks score.

The data, sourced from Open Powerlifting, was meticulously filtered to include only those lifters who met specific criteria.

They had to be drug tested, use raw equipment, be 18 or older, and participate in full-power events.

This deep dive into the powerlifting scene across the USA showcases the incredible strength feats of top lifters in each state and underscores LiftVault's commitment to providing valuable insights to the fitness community.

Since its inception in 2016 by Kyle Risley, LiftVault has been on a mission to deliver a comprehensive range of programs for strength, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and more.

It's a platform that doesn't just talk about strength—it celebrates it.

Is LiftVault Legit?

Based on what we've experienced and user feedback, LiftVault appears to be a legitimate platform for fitness programs.

It offers a wide range of workout plans and resources, all of which are free and easily accessible.

Should You Use LiftVault's Programs?

If you're looking for a comprehensive resource for workout plans, LiftVault is a great option.

Whether you're a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or just someone looking to improve your general fitness, LiftVault has a program for you.

Pros and Cons of Using LiftVault

Like any platform, LiftVault has its pros and cons.

On the positive side, it offers a wide range of programs, a user-friendly interface, and helpful tools like the Program Finder.

On the downside, some users may find the sheer number of programs overwhelming, and there may be a learning curve in understanding how to use spreadsheets effectively.

Comparing LiftVault with Other Fitness Platforms

Compared to other fitness platforms, LiftVault stands out for its comprehensive range of workout plans and its focus on strength training.

While other platforms may offer a wider range of fitness resources, including diet and lifestyle advice, LiftVault's strength lies in its specialized focus on strength training programs.

Yes LiftVault Is Legit

LiftVault is a legit platform that offers a wide range of workout plans for different fitness goals.

Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive resources, and positive community feedback make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their strength and fitness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LiftVault?

LiftVault is a platform that provides free, mobile-friendly workout plans and spreadsheets for various fitness goals.

Is LiftVault legit?

Yes, based on the information available and user feedback, LiftVault appears to be a legitimate platform for fitness programs.
What types of programs does LiftVault offer?

LiftVault offers a range of programs, including powerlifting, bodybuilding, general strength training, and Olympic weightlifting programs.

What is the Program Finder on LiftVault?

The Program Finder is a tool on LiftVault that helps users find a program that suits their specific needs and goals.

Does LiftVault offer nutritional advice?

While LiftVault primarily focuses on workout programs, it also provides recommendations for nutritional supplements.

How does LiftVault compare to other fitness platforms?

LiftVault stands out for its comprehensive range of workout plans and its focus on strength training.

Other platforms may offer a wider range of fitness resources, but LiftVault's strength lies in its specialized focus on strength training programs.

Should I use LiftVault's programs?

If you're looking for a comprehensive resource for workout plans, LiftVault is a great option.

It caters to a wide range of fitness enthusiasts, from powerlifters and bodybuilders to those interested in general strength training and Olympic weightlifting.

What is "The Vault" on LiftVault?

"The Vault" is a feature on LiftVault that gives users access to all spreadsheets in one place. This allows users to download or make copies of the spreadsheets, ensuring they always have up-to-date information.

What are the pros and cons of using LiftVault?

Pros of using LiftVault include a wide range of programs, a user-friendly interface, and helpful tools like the Program Finder.

Cons may include the overwhelming number of programs for some users and a learning curve in understanding how to use spreadsheets effectively.

What kind of feedback has LiftVault received from the community?

Feedback from the community has been largely positive.

Users appreciate the variety of programs available and the ease of use of the platform.

The Program Finder feature has been particularly well-received.

So, all in all, LiftVault is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their strength and fitness.

With a wide range of programs and a user-friendly interface, it's a platform worth considering for your fitness journey.

Use LiftVault: It's Legit

LiftVault, a fitness platform established by Kyle Risley in 2016, has emerged as a trusted source for a variety of workout plans and spreadsheets.

The platform caters to a diverse range of fitness enthusiasts, offering specialized programs for powerlifting, bodybuilding, general strength training, and Olympic weightlifting.

Users have expressed positive feedback on various platforms like Reddit, praising the wide array of programs and the user-friendly nature of the spreadsheets.

Given the wealth of information available, the positive community feedback, and the transparency of LiftVault about its team and objectives, it's clear that LiftVault is indeed a legitimate platform.

It stands as a valuable resource for anyone aiming to enhance their strength and fitness, regardless of their experience level.

LiftVault's extensive range of programs and tools are designed to support users in reaching their fitness aspirations.

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About FitFrek

FitFrek operates as an independent platform, offering comprehensive workouts, programs, routines, guides, and unbiased reviews to accelerate your progress. We pride ourselves on our honesty, delivering straightforward and candid insights. FitFrek does not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment services.

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