Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol Review

by Nader Qudimat
Updated July 23, 2023

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is a new product in the supplement category, offering a unique approach to pre-workout supplementation.

This product enhances your workout performance by providing hyperhydration, intense pumps, enhanced power, and endurance.

What Is Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol?

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is a hyperhydration formula to enhance your workout performance.

It contains 25 grams of 100% active glycerol per serving, which increases plasma volume, improves thermoregulation and provides intense pumps.

The product is priced at $44.99 for 60 servings, offering a cost-effective solution for those seeking to boost their workout performance.

Premium Pick
Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is a premium supplement offering a high dose of 100% active glycerol. It's designed for serious athletes seeking maximum performance.

  • High glycerol content for superior muscle pumps
  • Large number of servings offers good value for the price
  • Ideal for serious athletes and bodybuilders
Ingredients: (25g 100% active glycerol) $44.99, 60 servings
Discount code: FITFREK
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Ingredients Of Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol contains 25 grams of 100% active glycerol and a small amount of sea salt per serving.

Glycerol is a staple ingredient in pre-workouts for enhanced pumps and performance.

The addition of sea salt helps to balance electrolytes in the body, which is crucial during intense workouts.

Benefits Of Liquid Glycerol

Liquid glycerol offers numerous benefits, especially for those engaged in intense physical activities.

It helps hyperhydrate your body, holding upwards of an extra liter of water for up to 4 hours.

This can significantly enhance endurance times and exercise performance.

Moreover, it increases plasma volume, which supports enhanced oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles during exercise.

Glycerol: More Than Just Pumps

The benefits of glycerol extend beyond just enhancing pumps.

It also has hyperhydrating effects, which can particularly benefit endurance activities.

Hydration is crucial for optimal performance in running, biking, swimming, hiking, or backpacking activities.

These activities can lead to significant water loss, and if you're performing them in higher temperatures, the risk of dehydration increases, which can negatively impact your performance.

Hyperhydration And Endurance

By supplementing with glycerol, you can help stave off water loss and hyperhydrate your body, allowing it to hold an extra liter of water for up to 4 hours.

This can help maintain optimal hydration levels, improving endurance times.

Glycerol And Sleep Quality

Additionally, this hyperhydrating effect can also be beneficial for improving sleep quality.

Many people wake up at night to use the bathroom, disrupting sleep.

By hyperhydrating with glycerol before bed, you may be able to reduce these nighttime bathroom trips, supporting a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

The Benefits Of Glycerol For Bodybuilding

Glycerol's hydrating properties can be particularly beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes.

By attracting and retaining water, glycerol can help maintain hydration during intense workouts, potentially improving performance and recovery.

  • Improved Hydration: Glycerol's ability to attract and hold onto water can help maintain hydration during intense workouts. This can be particularly beneficial during long training sessions or competitions, where dehydration can impair performance and recovery.
  • Enhanced Endurance: By improving hydration, glycerol can help maintain performance during endurance events. This can help athletes train longer and harder, potentially leading to greater strength and muscle mass gains.
  • Increased Pump: Glycerol can draw water into muscle cells, increasing cell volume and producing a more pumped look. This can enhance the appearance of muscles during and after workouts.
  • Improved Recovery: By maintaining hydration and reducing the strain on the body during workouts, glycerol can help speed up recovery after intense training sessions.

The Science Behind Glycerol

Glycerol, when consumed, is rapidly absorbed and distributed among the body's fluid spaces.

This quick absorption significantly impacts the body, particularly during prolonged exercise.

Glycerol And Hydration

Glycerol has a unique property of increasing the total amount of water in the body.

This hydrating effect can delay the onset of dehydration, which is known to impair performance.

In a study titled "Pre-exercise hyperhydration delays dehydration and improves endurance capacity during 2 h of cycling in a temperate climate", researchers found that pre-exercise hyperhydration with glycerol improved endurance capacity and peak power output.

Glycerol And Performance

The improvements to performance include increased endurance time to exhaustion by up to 24%, or a 5% increase in power or work.

This was found in a study titled "Physiological and performance effects of glycerol hyperhydration and rehydration", which also found that beverages containing glycerol can enhance and maintain hydration status and may improve endurance exercise performance by attenuating adverse physiological changes associated with dehydration.

Glycerol And Endocrine Responses

In addition to its hydrating effects, glycerol has also been found to have other benefits for bodybuilding.

For example, a study titled "Hydration and endocrine responses to intravenous fluid and oral glycerol" found that the intravenous conditions resulted in greater fluid retention compared with oral and lower levels of fluid regulatory and stress hormones compared with both oral conditions.

Why Choose Liquid Glycerol Over Powdered Glycerol?

Liquid glycerol has a distinct advantage over its powdered counterpart.

Creating a stable glycerol powder is challenging and can cause a gritty consistency at high dosages.

This often prevents people from using a high dosage as you can only mix glycerol powder in a shaker cup, and an absurd amount won't sit well in the stomach.

Liquid glycerol, on the other hand, mixes perfectly in your water or pre-workout, making for a smooth sip.

How To Use Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol can be used as a pre-workout supplement.

Simply mix it with your water or pre-workout drink for a smooth sip.

Using this product in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise is recommended for optimal results.

Pricing And Availability

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is priced at $44.99 for 60 servings, making it a cost-effective choice for those seeking to enhance their workout performance.

It can be purchased directly from the Gorilla Mind website or other online retailers.

Premium Pick
Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is a premium supplement offering a high dose of 100% active glycerol. It's designed for serious athletes seeking maximum performance.

  • High glycerol content for superior muscle pumps
  • Large number of servings offers good value for the price
  • Ideal for serious athletes and bodybuilders
Ingredients: (25g 100% active glycerol) $44.99, 60 servings
Discount code: FITFREK
FitFrek earns a commission if you click this link and make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.


What is Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol?

Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol is a dietary supplement designed to enhance hydration, improve performance, and increase muscle pump during workouts.

How does glycerol work?

Glycerol is a potent osmolyte that can attract and hold onto water. This makes it a powerful hydrating agent, enhancing performance and recovery during workouts.

How should I use Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol?

You should follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Typically, you would mix a serving of the liquid with water and consume it before your workout.

Are there any side effects of Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol?

Glycerol is generally safe for most people when used as directed. However, it can cause side effects like nausea, vomiting, thirst, and headache in some people. If you experience any adverse effects, stop using the product and consult your doctor.

Can I use Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol if I have a medical condition?

If you have a medical condition, particularly kidney problems or heart disease, you should consult your doctor before using glycerol supplements.

Is Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Yes, Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

Can I use Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol while pregnant or breastfeeding?

There is insufficient research to confirm glycerol supplements' safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Therefore, avoiding these products is best if you're pregnant or nursing.

Can I use Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol with other supplements?

Yes, you can use Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol with other supplements. However, you should always check with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.

Where can I buy Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol?

You can buy Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol directly from the Gorilla Mind website or various online retailers.

How much does Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol cost?

Gorilla Mind Liquid Glycerol costs $44.99 for a bottle containing 60 servings.

Bottom Line

Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol is a unique and effective product offering numerous benefits for intense physical activities.

Its unique formulation and the inclusion of 100% active glycerol make it a standout product in the fitness industry.

Whether you're a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, Gorilla Mode Liquid Glycerol can help you take your performance to the next level.

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